Chocolate Chip Pancakes Recipe

Aslam-o-Alakaum My Lovelies !!

 In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Hope, you are doing splendidly and enjoying the season. Well I’m in the middle of work, and anxiety has begun to sink its sharp little claws into my brain. It’s almost the final month of my training and I’m already drowning under a sea of coding assignments and project.

Ahhh I love to code even though it makes me want to tear my eyes out every 10 minutes. Crying Out Loud ;(  I have constant fears that I’ve forgotten the code, functions, or left something somewhere blah blah blah. Problem is I love it but I have too much code to write though… ugh. This assignment is really doing my nut in! 


I’ m carving chocolate soo bad while coding up my project and backing up files. Every time I write a code, I delete it again. Almost time for a pancake break 😛  Anyhow before going back to coding, I decided to update you guys with this short post. 

If there’s one thing you should know about me right up front it’s that I love Chocolate and pancakes, always have. Chocolate chips, Pancakes, foggy weather and coding are the reasons I love life.  Sounds super yummy! 

Pancakes are probably in my Top 10 favorite foods. But they need chocolate chips. 🙂

Time for a Chocolate Chip Pancakes Break.

No matter how difficult  life gets, just remember, there’s always time for a Pancakes break. 😀 These Chocolate Chip Pancakes have been a blessing while trying to write my final coding project. lol. They simple to make, so comforting, and lightened up with a few delicious tweaks. 

Chocolate Chip Pancakes
Photo: Chocolate Chip Pancakes

This Chocolate Chip Pancakes recipe is a favorite of mine to make for special occasions or holidays. Eat while hot so the chocolate is all gooey. If you want to make it extra special, serve the pancakes with berries and whipped cream

Chocolate Chip Pancakes Recipe
Photo: Chocolate Chip Pancakes

It was love at first bite, I’m telling you. The texture is fluffy but hearty and slightly dense, and plenty moist from the butter. They’re perfectly sweet even without any additional sugar – the chocolate chips provide a touch of decadence.

 Chocolate Chip Pancakes Recipe
Photo: Chocolate Chip Pancakes

They’re super tasty, easy to make, and use regular everyday ingredients. 

Ingredients You will Need to Make These Pancakes
Ingredients You will Need to Make These Pancakes

Ingredients You will Need:

  1. Flour
  2. Sugar
  3. Baking Powder
  4. Cinnamon Powder
  5. Salt
  6. Eggs
  7. Milk
  8. Butter
  9. Vanilla Essence
  10. Chocolate Chips

Tools You needed to make this recipe are:

  1. A pan or griddle
  2. A Spatula
  3. A Mixing Bowl
  4. Hand Beater

Check it out the Chocolate Chip Pancakes Recipe and printable version below!!

Tips For Diet Version Pancakes (Clean Eating):

  1. You can make gluten free Pancakes by using gluten-free oats and flour.
  2. For Sweeting: Add 1 Tablespoons of honey, apple syrup, or nectar is optional for extra sweetening, but I didn’t find it necessary.
  3. Don’t add butter. Mash very ripe banana with baking powder. It gives
  4. them a moist and fluffy texture.
  5. Serve plain or with a small drizzle of honey and a few additional chocolate chips for melting.

Put your own spin on it. And lemme know how it turns out. Post a photo on Facebook (Recipestable) or  on Twitter so I can see how lovely yours turn out.

Happy Chocolate Pancakes making!

If you like this Chocolate Chip Pancakes Recipe, Please Subscribe to my blog. I have lots more recipes to share with you. And If you make it then let me know your feedback by commenting below.

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