Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions

You can quickly find some of the answers to my frequently asked questions. If none of these questions answer your concerns, feel free to contact me here.

Can I Substitue This Ingredient?

I recommend using the specified ingredients listed in the recipe whenever possible for optimal results. I understand that you may have dietary restrictions or simply do not have a particular ingredient on hand, but please remember that by using a substitution, I cannot speak for how much this will change in the overall taste or texture of the dish without further recipe testing.

Using a substitution may also result in a mediocre outcome.

I Tried one of your recipes but it did not turn out. What Did I do wrong?

Please understand that it is very hard for me to specifically answer this question since I am not in the kitchen with you. That being said, I only share recipes that have been successful and well-tested in my own kitchen, but I understand that failures and mishaps can happen.

Instead of blaming the recipe, it is important to remember that many factors are at play here that may result in a failed outcome. But with a little bit more information, we can troubleshoot what went wrong to have a successful turnaround next time.

What is the Best Way too store Leftovers? How Long will This Keep?

As I am not an expert on food safety, I am not comfortable answering these questions. Methods for optimal food storage and shelf life should be based on good judgment and what you are personally comfortable with.

Can I Freeze This?

I will provide instructions and tips on dishes that I have frozen myself but unfortunately, I do not freeze all of my recipes so I cannot always answer this question. Please use your best judgment for freezing and reheating.

Can  I use a slow cooker for this recipe instead?

Please understand that it is very difficult to give exact conversion information to translate traditional oven/stovetop recipes to the slow cooker method without further recipe testing. I recommend using your own judgement to convert my recipes to utilize a slow cooker.

Can you share the Nutritional information for this recipe?

Unfortunately, as I am not a registered dietician, I am not comfortable sharing nutritional information for any of my recipes. I recommend utilizing online calorie counters at your discretion to obtain such information.

Why Can’t I Print your recipe? I tried using the print function but a “Blank” a blank page appears

Internet Explorer has recently made some updates that are causing print problems. I recommend using a different browser, such as Firefox, Google Chrome, or Safari. But if you can only use Internet Explore, you can highlight the recipe, left-click, and print from there. Easy peasy!

How do I sign up for email updates to stay-up-to-date with your new recipes? Is this subscription free?

You can sign up for free email updates here to have new recipes delivered right to your inbox. Yes, it’s really free!

I signed up for the email updates But I can’t find a particular recipe. What am I doing wrong?

The email updates are for new recipes only. If you need to find a particular recipe, you can browse through the recipe index or utilize the search bar located on the top right sidebar. And if all else fails, Google is also very helpful.

What Kind of Camera Do you use?

I am currently shooting with a Nikon Coolpix l840. I only use natural lighting, and I utilize Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5 to edit.

Can I write a guest post for your site?

I really appreciate the offer but I am not accepting guest posts on my site at this time.

Do you Blog Full-Time?

I am happy to say that as of October 2012 I transitioned into becoming a full-time blogger, although maintaining a blog with studies is more like having two full-time jobs!

I am studying data science, but my love for cooking and running this blog eventually won out, and I am so incredibly grateful to have this job. I admit that you really have to work your butt off to maintain a blog and to be an entrepreneurial business owner, in a sense, but at the end of the day, I truly love my job. Plus, there’s always food on the dinner table!

Do you have a Cookbook?

My book is currently being edited and will be coming soon!

Do you have any tips/recommendations for a newbie Bloggers Like myself?

This is such a difficult question to answer but the important thing to remember is to be yourself and to be authentic. Blog because you love it and because you are passionate about it!