Category: Blogging Career

  • Blogiversary Ask Me Anything (& a Giveaway)

    Blogiversary Ask Me Anything (& a Giveaway)

    Aslam-o-Alakum everyone!

    So my 5 year blogiversary is coming up in like a week. Yes,I remember tons of random dates dates if something significant happened on that day, ok don’t judge me..😉
    Anyway. So I wanted to do something awesome for my Blogiversary.

    Here is what I want to do:

    Blogiversary Ask Me Anything

    I’ll be making my 5 year blogiversary video soon! What is it you really want to know about me???

    In the comments below, ask me anything you want. Blog related, advice, my favorite things. I will chose 15 questions (or more depending on how many are asked) and I will feature them in my Blogiversary blog post.

    Also… There will be a surprise gift from me. The winner will be picked from the list of people who ask quality and interesting questions. I will notify you through e-mail (if it’s on your blog), or I will comment to let you know.

    *The giveaway will end on October 24th (12 pm Pacific Time).

    ASK AWAY! and Have Fun!

  • Get More Eyes on Your Plates: Grow Your Food Blog with Pinterest

    Pinterest Growth Tips

    1. ENGAGE

    It’s the key to a sensational profile and an engaged audience. No matter the reason behind your account: to promote your brand, to share inspiration or to gather useful posts, people will follow you more easily if they know you’re posting regularly. They’ll know when to expect which type of content and get their inspiration flooding thanks to your presence on the social media.


    We all have our favorite topics, our own passions and the Outdoors pictures that make us go wow. If you like Scandinavian interiors, your ‘Home’ board will contain a massive amount of white walls and black and white patterns. Same thing if you like surfing, you’re most likely to have a board called ‘Summer Vibes’.

    People with the same hobbies as you will start following you in no time, simply because they want to be able to repin the content they feel close to. Stay focused on your passions, be proud about what you’re sharing: love what you pin, your followers will love it too.


    Analytics are so important when it comes to Pinterest. Whether it’s for your blog or any kind of social media, those little metrics are able to show you the age, gender, and interests of your audience. If you have followers from Canada, how about you start sharing more cool spots in Montreal, Ottawa, and Québec? It could be pretty awesome for them to discover new shops and restaurants thanks to your pins.

    To see your Pinterest Analytics, turn your account into a Business by clicking right here.

    4. AIM HIGH

    I’m sure many people see Pinterest as a cool application you can use whenever you want to find the inspiration, but do not forget it’s a social network. Today, social network rhymes with potential traffic and cool audience. Using your Pinterest profile wisely can help you reach a new niche, so always be sure to set some goals and try to grow the engagement of your followers. However, keep making sure your oldest followers keep returning, it would be too bad to lose an audience, as you get another.


    While using Pinterest can drive traffic to your website, your website can also help you gain new followers on the network. Pin ahead some inspiration for an upcoming article and design pins to announce a blog post. Are you selling products? Show your Pinterest followers, some of them might be interested. What does all this mean? You can attract new readers and clients just by pinning, and gain new followers while displaying your Pinterest profile or the social media icon on your blog.


    If your website is well-rounded and your brand identity on top, make sure to spread it. Use the same fonts and colors as your website when designing a pin and make sure your boards relate the same topics as your articles. That way, you please people who always want more of your rich content and inspiration.


    I know I just told you to see Pinterest as a business tool. And yes it can bring new opportunities and potential readers but it’s important for you to remember it’s only just a social media. Do not make it your goal to gain money over Pinterest and let sponsored pins away, just have fun pinning about what you like and stay true to yourself. Do not become one of those people who pin about everything just because a brand said so.

    What about you? Which Pinterest strategy do you use to drive traffic to your blog?

  • My First Blog Post!

    My First Blog Post!

    My first Blog Post! 


    Aslam-u-alaikum Everyone!

    Thank you for taking a peek at my very first post on my another brand new #foodblog!

    My First Blogpost
    My First Blog post

    I am finally succumbing to all the peer pressure to start a #foodblog. I have to admit I am a little afraid, so please be kind to me. You are probably groaning right about now…not ANOTHER food blog!!  

    There are so many out there, but what can I say I don’t have many talents. Not that I’m a talented cook, but I do enjoy cooking. It gives me great joy to cook meals for my family. Now, I have lots more time on my hands for adventures in the kitchen!  

    Most of you (actually, all of you) don’t know who I am, what is this blog and why I write this blog. That’s why I write this very first blog post.

    Who is me?

    As a visitor of my site, you probably need to know who runs this site. So, here is the quote about the admin and the founder of

    I’m Bushrah waheed from Lahore, Pakistan. By profession, I’m a self taught web programmer and a self improved blogger and I started blogging in 2009 as my hobby. Also, I wanted to start this blog before several years ago, but some difficulties came across me. I start this blog, because of I love blogging, I love to share my thoughts, my skills to the world.

    But please don’t have high expectations…I’m not a chef – just want to throw that out there first thing!  Can’t have you expecting too much!

    I’m not brave enough to create a new recipe – not yet anyway!  I like to find recipes and make them over to our liking (well MY liking hahaha). It doesn’t always work out but what can you do? I try on My poor brother & sisters!  😀

    I hope to share recipes, food gardening, reviews, tips, DIY projects, travel, stories, and inspiration with all of you. There are so many wonderful blogs that inspire me everyday, and I want to share in all of the creativity!

    You can find more cool stuff about me by visiting ‘About‘ page of my blog and also don’t forget to connect with me.

    What’s this blog about?

    By reading above paragraph, you may already got an idea about this blog. As the name of the blog, this is a food blog writes about food, recipes, container gardening, blogging tips and many more related to those topics. I’ll write those topics with my personal knowledge, experience and after doing a research about the topic.

    An open invitation to join my blog!

    As this is a food blog, I should invite you to join my blog! By joining my blog, you’ll make your path to stay updated with best recipes, blogging tips and things that will helpful to you to become a better cook and food blogger.

    You can join with my blog through,

    Follow us on Twitter
    Follow us on Pinterest
    Follow us on Instagram
    Like us on Facebook
    Join my Facebook Group

    For now, I’m not going to make this very first blog post very long. Thank you everyone come here and read my first blog post made in here. Your comments and social shout outs are much appreciated.

    First post. Done! Alhamdulillah 🙂