Tag: container gardening

  • Healthy Breakfast Option: Spinach and Cheese Omelet Recipe (Packed with Nutrients!)

    Spinach and Cheese Omelet

    Add extra nutrients to your breakfast by stirring in chopped fresh spinach, fresh herbs and shredded cheese into your protein-packed omelet. A carb-cutter’s perfect start for the day. Healthy and Nutritious Omelet made with home grown spinach from My Kitchen Garden.

    Spinach and Cheese Omelet Recipe
    Photo: Spinach and Cheese Omelet Recipe

    Freshly picked home grown spinach leaves turn into mouthwatering Omelet. Yes, this Spinach omelet is better than your omelet. Oragnic Eggs, fresh spinach, and CHEESE!!!! Please no drooling on my photo.

    This organic spinach and cheese omelet is full of flavors, it makes a perfect healthy breakfast. Enjoy it!

    Spinach and Cheese Omelette Recipe
    Photo: Spinach and Cheese Omelette Recipe

    Growing your own food isn’t just about saving money, it’s about so much more.I truly believe that as humans we posses an innate desire or need to take a hand-on role in the production of the food we consume. Whether through growing your own, foraging in the wild, hunting or even going to a local farm, knowing exactly where your food comes from provides a deep sense of appreciation for what you eat.

    Spinach and Cheese Omelette Recipe
    Spinach and Cheese Omelette made with Home grown Spinach

    Check it out the Spinach and Cheese Omelette Recipe here!!

    Spinach and Cheese Omelet Recipe

    This organic spinach and cheese omelet is full of flavors, it makes a perfect healthy breakfast. Enjoy it!
    Course Breakfast
    Cuisine American, Pakistani
    Keyword breakfast, cheese, eggs, kids friendly, omelet, Quick and Easy, spinach
    Prep Time 5 minutes
    Cook Time 8 minutes
    Total Time 13 minutes
    Servings 2
    Author Bushra Waheed


    • 4 organic eggs
    • 1 cup baby spinach leaves chopped
    • 4 tablespoon grated cheddar cheese
    • 2 teaspoon butter or olive oil
    • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
    • salt to taste


    • Beat eggs in a bowl.
    • Stir in the baby spinach.
    • Season with salt and pepper. Mix well.
    • Melt butter in a pan over medium heat.Pour the egg mixture it it. As egg mixture starts to cook, gently lift edges of omelet with a spatula and tilt pan so uncooked egg mixture flows underneath.Cook for 2 minute or until almost set.
    • Sprinkle cheese over the omelet.
    • Fold omelet in half, allowing cheese to melt.
    • Slide cooked omelet onto a serving plate. Delicious Spinach and Cheese Omelet is ready to serve.


    Serve with buttered toast and green smoothie.

    If you like Spinach and Cheese Omelet Recipe and make it then let me know your feedback by commenting below.And if you know more innovative ways in which we can utilize this mouth watering Spinach and Cheese Omelet, do share with us and we would be glad to give it a try.

  • Meet the Food Gardener: Seema Khuled

    Today we have a very special guest, a house wife, an active Gardener and a horticulturist, Seema Khuled. She’s a really down to earth person, responsible and a very talented lady, living in Lahore, Pakistan.

    Meet Seema Khuled _ A stunning lady ;)
    Meet Seema Khuled _ A stunning lady 😉

    She grows vegetables, herbs, Mushrooms, Fruits and flowers. Her goal is that each and every household grow food , however small amount it may be .

    Seema Giving Lecture at Horticlture Society of Pakistan
    Seema Giving Lecture at Horticulture Society of Pakistan

    She is my Kitchen Gardening teacher. She always give me useful tips on choosing the right seed, preparing the containers, sowing the seed and after care. She loves to sharing her gardening skills and knowledge with people. I am so happy to have this energetic & talented lady in my life.

    Seema In Kitchen Gardening with Tofiq Pasha
    Seema In Kitchen Gardening with Tofiq Pasha

    Meet the Food Gardener: Seema Khuled _ A Stunning Lady !

    Bushrah: Aslam-o-Alakaum Seema. How are You?

    Seema: Walakum Salam. “I’m Fine. Jeeti Raho Khush Raho”.

    Bushrah: Thanks Seema for the lovely duas. :*

    Seema: 🙂

    Bushrah: First Tell my readers a little about yourself.

    Seema: I would define myself as a Food Gardener.

    Bushrah: Has kitchen Gardening been always a passion of yours, Seema ? Did you always intend to become a Gardener?

    Seema: Honestly speaking. No, I was not into gardening at all. We had a well maintained lawn at my father’s place and I just enjoyed sitting there, not more than that.

    Bushrah: When did you discover the passion for Gardening?

     Seema: I am still learning to be one who knows a bit about gardening.I was fond of going to the nurseries ,getting some ornamentals and evergreens and that was it. It was few years back when I started it on my own once we moved to our new house. 

    Bushrah: Why do you Garden?

    Seema: As I told you earlier that basically I am a food gardener. The realization of the importance of chemical free vegetables lead me to be one..

    So I might say its a journey from denial to realization.

    Bushrah: Did you do some preparation like reading the books, tips and tricks about kitchen gardening ?

    Seema: I do not have any formal education in agriculture or gardening as such. I did my Masters in International Relations and worked at different places but never in any gardening related field. So I read whatever I could lay my hands on through internet. The treasure of information which it carries now is huge and being an avid reader I was able to grasp some basics of kitchen gardening.

    Bushrah: I’m sure your family would be very proud seeing how long you’ve come, both with your cooking and gardening skills and as a person.

    Seema: I have been lucky to have a family who enjoys and appreciates the things that I grow. Me and my husband are equally excited and happy to see each new growth in the garden.

    Bushrah: What would you say is the best thing about kitchen gardening and the hardest thing ?

    Seema: The joy of picking fresh and organic vegetables for my family is the best thing.I know what I am doing is all worth it. The hardest part of kitchen gardening is to have good quality seeds..but now we have many choices for that also. Where there is a will there is a way.

    Bushrah: So when did you decide to start a blog and why?

    Seema: Infact I am still working on  My Blog and will start soon. This is off the record.:-)) But yes the group of Our Gardens was created with the thought of bringing like minded people together and sharing the joy and info about gardening and helping each other with the knowledge and first hand experiences.

    Bushrah: What is in your opinion are the most important factors when you sowing new plants?

    Seema: In my opinion the most important factors are the timings , knowing about the plant’s sunlight and watering requirements. All the rest follows.

    Bushrah: What do you think is behind the boom in urban agriculture and community gardens? Is there room for more innovation?

    Seema: It is the awareness of the common people like me. The awareness about the harmful effects of the pesticides on our food and the havoc its causing to our general health. Seemingly healthy people are so often heard of being fatigued or depressed .One of the major reasons is the chemical imbalance created by the unhealthy food.

    Bushrah: This is what one calls a 100 % dedication i guess!! I See you posting new tips and pictures almost every day. Where do you get inspiration from?

    Its a big part of my life now. I have so many friends from whom I learn a lot and want to share a lot also.The first hand experience surely tell us what to do and not to do.Sharing my experiences is my way of relaxing I guess.

    Bushrah: I hope your family understands how lucky they are to have a personal home gardener or expert for them every day.

    Seema: That is a thing which only my family can answer :-)) They are indeed very supportive in all my activities.

    Bushrah: very right Hahaha 😀

    Bushrah: What was the idea behind “Our Gardens” Group? Did you have a vision of what you wanted or did the idea develop over time?

    Seema: When I started planning for a garden for our new house I felt a dire need for someone at some place to guide me with what I can plant and take care of here right now.That triggered the idea of an online group where me and my few friends can share their personal experiences and guide. Now that we have more than 9000 friends from around the globe , the focus remains the same i.e. sharing of personal efforts , gardens and all the information..Just putting up pics from internet aimlessly is discouraged.

    Bushrah: A message for all those new comers who want to learn Kitchen Gardening but don’t know actually what it means?

    Seema: I am no expert in it but would say a few words. Grow things that you can take to your kitchen and enjoy eating. Start small and simple.You don’t need fancy pots and fancy techniques to grow your food. Look for all the things around you which you can utilise. Just don’t compromise on the quality of seeds and soil. Talk to others , take advice and share with others what you know.

    Bushrah: What is your top tip for “newbies” like me.

    Seema: Start growing. Tomorrow always comes as today. So start today.

    Happy Gardening !!


    Bushrah: Are you able to take the next step to the actual ‘Frozen Food’ business already?

    Seema: Yes..Of Course. Very soon InshaAllah  I will be bringing my range of healthy frozen food of UMAMI that would be tastefully different.

    The first and foremost thought behind all UMAMI products is that these should be healthy to the core. All the seasonings are thoughtfully made to enhance the flavour and health as well…The Aloevera oil ..namely Sesaloe and Cocaloe are made from organically home grown aloe vera…The compound butters or the flavoured butters like the Parsley butter and the Roasted chilli & garlic butter have all the flavour and energy required for a healthy start of the day.

    Here is the List of Umami Food Products.

    If you are interesting to buy her organic products you can contact her here=>>UMAMI
    Thank you Seema for taking time out of your busy schedule. I am genuinely happy to interview you, and I am honored by your presence on my blog. 🙂

    Many Thanks and Stay blessed

    And Thank you my readers for spending time with me. I hope, you enjoy her interview and now Check out her kitchen garden video’s.

    Seema Khuled On Home Gardening _ Watch Her Video here !

    Seema Khuled In Kitchen Garden With Tofiq Pasha Mooraj Masala TV Show

    Dear Reader’s!! Now What Are You Waiting For ?

    Go and Grow your own delicious, healthful organic food.There are so many good reasons to begin growing your own food and really no reason not to.

    So plant your own garden and decorate your own soul.

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    Dont forget to give me your feedback. I would love to hear from you.Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments regarding Kitchen Gardening.

  • Welcome to My Kitchen Garden

    Aslam-o-Alakum to All & A Big Welcome to My Kitchen Garden!!

    This is my first blogpost in “My Kitchen Garden” section. ( All about simple and efficient gardening). I have a small gardening space with a HIGH ambitions of having all kind of plants in my garden.

    So I try space saving ideas to get the best from my container garden whether it be vertical and crate gardening.
    Last year, I started gardening as a hobby from [highlight]herbs, veggies and strawberries [/highlight]and now enjoying eating what I sow. This My Kitchen Garden section will be a bridge from my past to the future. All work inclusive (InshaAllah).

    Welcome to My Kitchen Garden
    Welcome to My Kitchen Garden

    What is a Kitchen Garden

    Gardening is a great way to spend time with the family as well as create a unity with the process of making food.

    To me a Kitchen Garden is quite simply: 

    A garden designed and planted with food production in mind. The objective is not just self-sufficiency, it is to have a wonderful variety of fresh and flavorsome food growing in your own backyard.

    For many this means growing fruits and vegetables using organic methods. For me personally I use a[highlight] minimal chemical approach, and try to deal with soil health, plant nutrition and pest problems[/highlight] without the use of chemicals where possible.

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    Here are some thoughts from others:


    A garden, the, is a finite place, in which a gardener (or several gardeners) has created, working with or against nature, a plot whose intention it is to provide pleasure; possibly in the form of beauty, possibly in the form of cabbages – and possibly, beautiful cabbages.

       – Abby Adams, The Gardener’s Gripe Book



    Growing vegetables, herbs and fruit to pick fresh and crisp from our Kitchen Garden is important for our health and well-being. A Kitchen Garden provides the opportunity to experience eating really fresh vegetables. It also provides the opportunity to engage with plants, to experience the rewards of nurturing, to understand food and our relationship with food, to learn the challenges of food production and food security and to engage in productive physical exercise. Then of course, there’s the sheer joy of harvesting, cooking and sharing own home grown vegetables, herbs and fruit.

    _ Stephen Forbes



    For all things produced in a garden, whether of salads or fruits, a poor man will eat better that has one of his own, than a rich man that has none.
    – J. C. Loudoun



    With home grown produce, you know it’s fresh and safe to eat, Then there’s the unparalleled satisfaction of knowing you grew it yourself. These are the accepted reasons behind our current renaissance in growing fresh produce at home. But I suggest we must also add a growing community awareness of the need to reconnect with nature and the environment around us. Is there a better way of achieving this than simply spending quality time in the garden growing your own fresh food ?

    _ Jon Lamb



    The greatest service which can be rendered any country is to add a useful plant to its culture.
    – Thomas Jefferson



    When gardening, I have one gift. You won’t find in any manuals – I know it’s strange, but I can change. Perennials to annuals.”

    _ Dick Emmons


    I would love to have all of my readers to join me in this excited journey. 🙂 ♥