Tag: frozen paratha

  • Skip the Store-Bought: Delicious Homemade Frozen Paratha Recipe

    Skip the Store-Bought: Delicious Homemade Frozen Paratha Recipe

    Everyone love to eat crispy and crunchy paratha. These rich parathas are the traditional accompaniment to any dish. Enjoy a special recipe of frozen paratha at breakfast or lunch time.

    [one_third] Prep Time: 40 minutes[/one_third] [one_third]Cook Time: 5 minutes[/one_third] [one_third_last] Servings: 8[/one_third_last]


    [tabs type=”horizontal”] [tabs_head] [tab_title]Ingredients[/tab_title] [tab_title]Nutrition[/tab_title] [/tabs_head] [tab]

    • 500 gm flour
    • 400 gm clarified butter
    • 4 tbsp oil
    • 1/2 tsp salt
    • Water to knead
    • Ice as required

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    Yield: 8 servings

    Nutritional information is not yet available.

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    [tabs type=”horizontal”] [tabs_head] [tab_title]Step by Step Method[/tab_title] [tab_title]Serving Suggestions[/tab_title][/tabs_head] [tab]

    Step 1

    Melt butter in a microwavable bowl. Put in a pan containing ice and water. Beat well. Remove water. Squeeze well and set aside.

    Step 2

    Place flour, salt and oil in a large bowl. Knead a soft dough by using water.

    Step 3

    Roll the dough. Put the prepared butter in center. Fold from all the four sides. Let stand for 30 minutes. Roll again and shape into balls.

    Step 4

    Put each ball in a polythene bag. Roll and freeze.Frozen Paratha is ready to serve. ENJOY!!
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    • Serve with Punjabi Dhaba Dal.

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