Tag: Interviews

  • Food Blogger Interview: Meet Fatimah from Muslim Girl Bakes

    Food Blogger Interview: Meet Fatimah from Muslim Girl Bakes

    Welcome to another edition of Interview with a food blogger!

    Meet Fatimah from Muslim Girl Bakes

    Today, we’re chatting with Fatimah, the Muslim blogger behind the fabulous food photography and recipes blog ThisMuslimGirlBake. Fatimah loves trying out new recipes. On her blog, she shares her favorites, along with stunning pictures. I absolutely love the way she styles food (even her recipe instructions are gorgeous!).Most of her recipes are quick too and perfect for busy weeknights. ThisMuslimGirlBake is a great place to find meal ideas you and your family will love! Scroll down to read the interview and go give Fatimah some love!

    Food Blogger Interview: Meet Fatimah from Muslim Girl Bakes

    Interview with Fatimah from Muslim Girl Bakes

    Bushrah: Aslam-o-Alakaum Wr Wb. Jazakillah khaira for joining us today now first we would love to know about you. _ tell us a bit you and Your Blog _ A girl behind “This Muslim?

    Fatimah: Thank you so much for having me! I blog at This Muslim Girl Bakes. I usually post full photo step-by-step sweet and savoury recipes twice a week. My sweet recipes are usually my latest dessert/baked good success and my savoury recipes are from all over the world. I love putting a halal spin on different recipes but am well known for my Pakistani recipes being of Pakistani origin myself.

    Bushrah: What is the story behind your blog’s name, This Muslim Girl Bake?

    Fatimah: I wish I had some amazing story behind the name but honestly it just came to me one day! And has stuck ever since!

    Bushrah: Describe your Blog in Three words??

    Fatimah: So many photos!

    Bushrah: What are your cooking inspirations? A famous chef, your mom, a Cookbook, a Blog?

    Fatimah: As for cooking inspiration, I would have to say my family. I come from a family of very strong, female home cooks. My mother is an amazing cook as was her mother before her. They all cooked and still cook simple recipes to feed busy homes. I’m also inspired by the Internet as a whole. I love how anyone from anywhere can share a recipe online. You can cook a recipe which is from a New York kitchen one day and the next, a traditional dish from Hong Kong. It’s amazing!

    Bushrah: Who or what inspired you to take the plunge and start your own food blog?

    Fatimah: I had been reading food blogs for a  few years before starting my own. Being surrounded by a group of friends from different places and cultures, the food of our homes was always a topic of conversation. How we cooked different curries or what we had eaten on Eid. When describing my own recipes, I would think, wouldn’t it be easier if I could just take pictures and show them? And so that’s what I did. I also wanted a place for all my family recipes. I felt that so many of our traditional Pakistani recipes were falling out of fashion or weren’t even represented on the food blog scene. The blog was and still is my chance to preserve those age-old recipes.

    Bushrah: Did you ever think that you would be so successful at blogging when you started?

    Fatimah: No way! At the beginning, it was only my mum who was reading the blog. Then, it filtered out to family, friends and the wider world. I remember when I got my first 100 views and then the 1000! I was so excited!

    Bushrah:  What’s your biggest failure ever in the Kitchen?

    Fatimah: I have so many!! Recently, there are two that come to mind. The first, those fiddly French macrons and the second, choux pastry.

    Bushrah:  What is your favorite dish?

    Fatimah: That is such a hard question! It honestly depends on my mood and what I’m craving. But I think one dish I could never say no to is a freshly- made chicken pulao. It will always be one of ultimate comfort foods – a real taste of home.

    Bushrah: Any Ingredients you can’t stand? Which one can’t you live without?

    Fatimah: I cannot stand desiccated coconut. This is something my mother does not understand as she has always loved it. On the other hand, I couldn’t live without my spice cupboard! Especially things like cumin, cinnamon, coriander and chilli. I not only use them in Pakistani recipes but add them to other things for a little twist! Can I also add butter to that list? I use it for baking and sometimes, cooking. A little butter always makes things better!

    Bushrah: What’s the most adventurous dish you’ve ever eaten?

    Fatimah: The most adventurous dish I’ve ever eaten would have to be the Pai curry. It’s made with cows trotters and gives off the strongest smell when cooking!

    Bushrah: What kind of recipes most of the people want these days?

    Fatimah: I’ve found that people want quick recipes with the least number of ingredients. Also, I’ve seen an increased interest in old, traditional dishes. As we get older, we become more nostalgic and want to cook the things our mothers made when we were children.

    Bushrah: What ingredients would you like to use to make a scrumptious dessert? You can only pick four!

    Fatimah: My current favourite 4-ingredient dessert would have to be the lemon posset. It’s a really old English chilled dessert made with lemons, caster sugar and double cream. That’s three things and so I would serve it with number four – buttery shortbread fingers to dip!


    Bushrah: How have you found the public’s reaction to your recipes and writing?

    Fatimah: I’ve been really lucky in my 4 years of blogging to have had a really positive reaction. Now and again, you will get one or two people who were not fans of a certain recipe. But that’s to be expected – everyone has different tastes and so it is impossible to please everyone!

    Bushrah: What’s your favorite recipe from your blog?

    Fatimah: Again, that is such a hard question! Every recipe I post is my current favorite! An all-time favorite that I turn to time and time again would be our house Pakistani chicken curry. It’s a timeless classic and I love it.


    Bushrah: What piece of Photography equipment could you not go without?

    Fatimah: Sounds obvious but most definitely, my camera. It’s simple to use and small enough to have with me in the kitchen. I post step-by-step photo recipes so having a smaller camera is the best thing for me.

    Bushrah: If I’m only going to make one dish from your blog, which one should it be?

    Fatimah: Again, such a hard question! And again, it depends on my mood. Right now, I’m obsessed with my sea salt chocolate chunk cookies. I made a batch on snapchat recently just so I could stash the cookie dough into the freezer for emergencies! They are that good!

    Bushrah: What’s one secret talent outside of the kitchen nobody knows about you?

    Fatimah: Food styling and food photography! I wouldn’t really call it a talent because I’m still such a novice myself. But I’ve been loving putting more thought and care into my food photos to make them look the best.


    Bushrah: Have there been any mistakes along the way that you have learnt from ?

    Fatimah: So many mistakes! I make mistakes everyday and as long as I learn from them, I don’t mind. For example, a few days ago I made porridge. I added the water to the oats all at once which resulted in lots of lumps in the end result. Next time, I will add the water gradually. So, as long as I learn from my mistakes, I don’t mind.

    Bushrah: What are your top tips for newie food bloggers?

    Fatimah: Write the food blog that you yourself would want to read. Cook the things on your blog that you cook in real life. Bake the things on your blog that you bake in real life. And most importantly, love the content that you’re posting. The love and passion that you have for your content will filter through to your readers. And, most importantly of all, enjoy it!

    Head over to Fatimah’s recipe index or see her Pinterest board dedicated to Muslim Girl Bakes recipes for more recipes!

    Follow Fatimah on Social Media: Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

  • Productive Ramadan: An Exclusive Interview with Abu Productive

    How does Bro Muhammad Faris (abu productive) spend his Ramadan? To find out, I conducted an interview with the energetic, super-productive Bro. Muhammad Faris.

    Abu Productive (Muhammad Faris) is the founder & CEO of ProductiveMuslim, a website dedicated to Islam & Productivity. He is an international speaker, author, and coach dedicated to boosting productivity in the Ummah. More recently, he released his book “The ProductiveMuslim Book – Where Faith Meets  Productivity “.


    I  hope you enjoy this special interview I had with  brother Muhammad Faris, where he shares some insight from the world of a productivity Ramadan!In this interview I talked about the best ways to nourish ourselves for peak performance throughout the day.

    Ramadan Exclusive Interview with Abu Productive

    Ramadan Exclusive Interview with Abu Productive(Bro. Muhammad Faris)

    Bushrah: Aslam-o-AlakumWarhmatullahWabaraktuhu Dear Bro Mohammed Faris! Hope you are doing well. JazakAllahKhaira for joining us for this interview for my blog RecipesTable.com.

    Bushrah: For our fans, Can you please explain What Productive Ramadan Transformation is and what is involved?

    Muhammad Faris: ProductiveRamadan Transformation is the understanding that Ramadan is an opportunity to transform ourselves to become better and more productive human beings instead of leading unproductive lives.

    It’s about turning the challenges that Ramadan throws at us (the fasting, the long night prayers, the lack of sleep) and turning them into opportunities to test our human capacity and show the world what we can do despite these challenges.

    Bushrah: Why are you so passionate about productivity?

    Muhammad Faris: I believe that productivity is the answer to many of the challenges facing the Ummah. Unfortunately, we’ve become an unproductive Ummah, consuming more than producing, expecting government welfare instead of creating wealth, and we lack the motivation and innovation to lead ourselves forward.

    That’s from a macro perspective – but from a micro/individual perspective; leading a productive life is leading a meaningful life. A philosopher once said: “We are happiest when we are striving after something”

    Bushrah: First of all we would like to know how brother Abu Productive (productivity guru) spends his Ramadan.

    Muhammad Faris: I divide my time in Ramadan in 3 parts:

    • A portion for my Lord; focusing on Salah, Taraweeh, and reciting Quran.
    • A portion for my family; focusing on spending quality time with them at home and not travel so much.
    • A portion for my ProductiveMuslim; doing some writing, thinking, reading on topics that relate to productivity and Ramadan and engaging with the ProductiveRamadan.com online course students.

    Bushrah: What is your fondest childhood memory about Ramadan?

    Muhammad Faris: I grew up in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia most of my life, so my fondest childhood memory about Ramadan is simply feeling the spirit of Ramadan in the air in the entire city and attending taraweeh with my dad at different mosques across the city.

    Bushrah: Do you create a meal plan during Ramadan to ensure your body is receiving the correct foods and nutrition? And do you choose lighter food than usual?

    Muhammad Faris: Alhamdulillah – my wife is very conscious of our food and we discuss meal plans in advance so we avoid unhealthy options.

    We stick to low GI food (especially for suhoor) and try to eat lots of fruits and vegetables and vegetarian options at night.

    I’ve cut down on tea and coffee to almost zero intake in the month (except for herbal tea) and alhamdulillah – managed to stay away from sweets most nights.

    Bushrah: : How do you prepare yourself physically for this fasting period? So that you won’t run out of Stream and will keep going the whole working day? For example, do you take vitamins or eat nutritional fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts?

    Muhammad Faris: We eat a hearty healthy low GI oatmeal dish for suhoor which contains:

    1. Organic steel cut oats
    2. Bananas
    3. Berries (blackberries and blueberries)
    4. Raw Nuts
    5. Flaxseed/Chia Seeds
    6. Almond Milk

    If we have time, we have fruits and then we cap the suhoor with 2 glasses of water.

    We’ve been having the same suhoor every day since the beginning of Ramadan and seems to work well with us.

    Combination of eating low GI food + naps in the day and I find myself able to work for at least 8-10 hours in the day.

    Bushrah:  What’s your daily routine in ramadan? And What changes do you make in Ramadan to your technology usage, socail life?

    Muhammad Faris:

    • 4:00am – 4:40am: Suhoor
    • 40am – 5.30am: Fajr at Masijd
    • 30am – 6.30am: Stay until sunrise with Quran Recitation + Athkar
    • 30am – 7.30am: Come home + get ready for the day
    • 7:30am – 12.00pm: Work Work Work
    • 00pm – 1.30pm: Long Nap
    • 30pm – 2.30pm: Dhuhur Prayers @ Masjid
    • 30pm – 6.00pm: Work Work Work
    • 00pm – 7.00pm: Asr prayers @ Masjid
    • 00pm – 8.30pm: Quality time with family
    • 30pm – 9.45pm: Iftar + Maghreb + get ready for Isha
    • 45pm – 11.30pm: Isha + Taraweeh
    • 30pm – 12:00am: Quality time with spouse
    • 00am – 4.00am: Sleep

    Bushrah: : What would be your most important goals for you personally to achieve in this Ramadan?

    Muhammad Faris: I have set 3 goals for myself:

    1. Complete the preparation for the launch of the post-Ramadan course
    2. Complete preparing website + brochures for a new productivity company I’m launching for corporate
    3. Complete designing a Youth Accelerator program for Masajids and Youth groups in North America.

    As you probably notice – the above are not “typical” Ramadan goals. I personally seek the Barakah in Ramadan to get a lot of important work done.

    Bushrah: How we can have a transformational Productive Ramadan? Any Productive tips?

    Muhammad Faris:  Start by setting meaningful goals. Then align your energy management (nutrition, fitness and sleep), your focus management, and your time management to achieving those goals.

    If you have no goals for Ramadan (Spiritually-Physically-Socially), you’ll simply waste Ramadan.

    Think of goals that if you implement them during Ramadan will transform your life after Ramadan.

    Bushrah: There have been a lot of exciting things happening with Productive Muslim Academy lately  MashAllah, can you tell us about some of your latest initiatives? And how our users can benefit from productive muslim academy?

    The ProductiveMuslim Academy is our way to fill the gap of personal development training for the Muslim world that’s based on the Quran and Sunnah and latest personal development science.

    We’ve made the academy practical and useful for the on-the-go professional, busy student, and workin moms because we firmly believe that learning the practical tools to grow and develop can mean the difference between a life well-lived or a failure in this life and the next.

    We’ve made the Academy very affordable; you’ll have access to all ProductiveMuslim courses and classes + private facebook group with the community of learners + exclusive webinars, all the above for just $14.99/month (or $0.50 per day!). We hope that your followers and readers can join us to make the most of the Academy and grow with us inshaAllah.

    Bushrah: Finally, do you have a message for all our Muslims Fans around the World?

    The best advice I can give, is the advice I heard from Sh.Bin Bayyah many years ago, he said “Have sincere intentions and work hard”. That’s the formula for succcess.

    JazakiAllahkhair for having me on your blog

    Bushrah: Jazakillah khaira for taking the time to share your thoughts about training during Ramadan. I’ve certainly learned a lot and I hope folks who read this interview will feel the same. InshaAllah


    Connect with Productive Muslim

    Please share your feedback by leaving a comment below!

  • Meet the Food Gardener: Seema Khuled

    Today we have a very special guest, a house wife, an active Gardener and a horticulturist, Seema Khuled. She’s a really down to earth person, responsible and a very talented lady, living in Lahore, Pakistan.

    Meet Seema Khuled _ A stunning lady ;)
    Meet Seema Khuled _ A stunning lady 😉

    She grows vegetables, herbs, Mushrooms, Fruits and flowers. Her goal is that each and every household grow food , however small amount it may be .

    Seema Giving Lecture at Horticlture Society of Pakistan
    Seema Giving Lecture at Horticulture Society of Pakistan

    She is my Kitchen Gardening teacher. She always give me useful tips on choosing the right seed, preparing the containers, sowing the seed and after care. She loves to sharing her gardening skills and knowledge with people. I am so happy to have this energetic & talented lady in my life.

    Seema In Kitchen Gardening with Tofiq Pasha
    Seema In Kitchen Gardening with Tofiq Pasha

    Meet the Food Gardener: Seema Khuled _ A Stunning Lady !

    Bushrah: Aslam-o-Alakaum Seema. How are You?

    Seema: Walakum Salam. “I’m Fine. Jeeti Raho Khush Raho”.

    Bushrah: Thanks Seema for the lovely duas. :*

    Seema: 🙂

    Bushrah: First Tell my readers a little about yourself.

    Seema: I would define myself as a Food Gardener.

    Bushrah: Has kitchen Gardening been always a passion of yours, Seema ? Did you always intend to become a Gardener?

    Seema: Honestly speaking. No, I was not into gardening at all. We had a well maintained lawn at my father’s place and I just enjoyed sitting there, not more than that.

    Bushrah: When did you discover the passion for Gardening?

     Seema: I am still learning to be one who knows a bit about gardening.I was fond of going to the nurseries ,getting some ornamentals and evergreens and that was it. It was few years back when I started it on my own once we moved to our new house. 

    Bushrah: Why do you Garden?

    Seema: As I told you earlier that basically I am a food gardener. The realization of the importance of chemical free vegetables lead me to be one..

    So I might say its a journey from denial to realization.

    Bushrah: Did you do some preparation like reading the books, tips and tricks about kitchen gardening ?

    Seema: I do not have any formal education in agriculture or gardening as such. I did my Masters in International Relations and worked at different places but never in any gardening related field. So I read whatever I could lay my hands on through internet. The treasure of information which it carries now is huge and being an avid reader I was able to grasp some basics of kitchen gardening.

    Bushrah: I’m sure your family would be very proud seeing how long you’ve come, both with your cooking and gardening skills and as a person.

    Seema: I have been lucky to have a family who enjoys and appreciates the things that I grow. Me and my husband are equally excited and happy to see each new growth in the garden.

    Bushrah: What would you say is the best thing about kitchen gardening and the hardest thing ?

    Seema: The joy of picking fresh and organic vegetables for my family is the best thing.I know what I am doing is all worth it. The hardest part of kitchen gardening is to have good quality seeds..but now we have many choices for that also. Where there is a will there is a way.

    Bushrah: So when did you decide to start a blog and why?

    Seema: Infact I am still working on  My Blog and will start soon. This is off the record.:-)) But yes the group of Our Gardens was created with the thought of bringing like minded people together and sharing the joy and info about gardening and helping each other with the knowledge and first hand experiences.

    Bushrah: What is in your opinion are the most important factors when you sowing new plants?

    Seema: In my opinion the most important factors are the timings , knowing about the plant’s sunlight and watering requirements. All the rest follows.

    Bushrah: What do you think is behind the boom in urban agriculture and community gardens? Is there room for more innovation?

    Seema: It is the awareness of the common people like me. The awareness about the harmful effects of the pesticides on our food and the havoc its causing to our general health. Seemingly healthy people are so often heard of being fatigued or depressed .One of the major reasons is the chemical imbalance created by the unhealthy food.

    Bushrah: This is what one calls a 100 % dedication i guess!! I See you posting new tips and pictures almost every day. Where do you get inspiration from?

    Its a big part of my life now. I have so many friends from whom I learn a lot and want to share a lot also.The first hand experience surely tell us what to do and not to do.Sharing my experiences is my way of relaxing I guess.

    Bushrah: I hope your family understands how lucky they are to have a personal home gardener or expert for them every day.

    Seema: That is a thing which only my family can answer :-)) They are indeed very supportive in all my activities.

    Bushrah: very right Hahaha 😀

    Bushrah: What was the idea behind “Our Gardens” Group? Did you have a vision of what you wanted or did the idea develop over time?

    Seema: When I started planning for a garden for our new house I felt a dire need for someone at some place to guide me with what I can plant and take care of here right now.That triggered the idea of an online group where me and my few friends can share their personal experiences and guide. Now that we have more than 9000 friends from around the globe , the focus remains the same i.e. sharing of personal efforts , gardens and all the information..Just putting up pics from internet aimlessly is discouraged.

    Bushrah: A message for all those new comers who want to learn Kitchen Gardening but don’t know actually what it means?

    Seema: I am no expert in it but would say a few words. Grow things that you can take to your kitchen and enjoy eating. Start small and simple.You don’t need fancy pots and fancy techniques to grow your food. Look for all the things around you which you can utilise. Just don’t compromise on the quality of seeds and soil. Talk to others , take advice and share with others what you know.

    Bushrah: What is your top tip for “newbies” like me.

    Seema: Start growing. Tomorrow always comes as today. So start today.

    Happy Gardening !!


    Bushrah: Are you able to take the next step to the actual ‘Frozen Food’ business already?

    Seema: Yes..Of Course. Very soon InshaAllah  I will be bringing my range of healthy frozen food of UMAMI that would be tastefully different.

    The first and foremost thought behind all UMAMI products is that these should be healthy to the core. All the seasonings are thoughtfully made to enhance the flavour and health as well…The Aloevera oil ..namely Sesaloe and Cocaloe are made from organically home grown aloe vera…The compound butters or the flavoured butters like the Parsley butter and the Roasted chilli & garlic butter have all the flavour and energy required for a healthy start of the day.

    Here is the List of Umami Food Products.

    If you are interesting to buy her organic products you can contact her here=>>UMAMI
    Thank you Seema for taking time out of your busy schedule. I am genuinely happy to interview you, and I am honored by your presence on my blog. 🙂

    Many Thanks and Stay blessed

    And Thank you my readers for spending time with me. I hope, you enjoy her interview and now Check out her kitchen garden video’s.

    Seema Khuled On Home Gardening _ Watch Her Video here !

    Seema Khuled In Kitchen Garden With Tofiq Pasha Mooraj Masala TV Show

    Dear Reader’s!! Now What Are You Waiting For ?

    Go and Grow your own delicious, healthful organic food.There are so many good reasons to begin growing your own food and really no reason not to.

    So plant your own garden and decorate your own soul.

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    Dont forget to give me your feedback. I would love to hear from you.Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments regarding Kitchen Gardening.

  • Food Blogger Interview with Quratulain Noor from Ainy Cooks

    Welcome to another edition of Food Blogger Interview series. Today we’re chatting with Quraitlain Noor , the sweet lady behind the great blog Ainy’sCook. I love Ainy’s blog because she shares easy to follow recipes. Most of them are quick too and perfect for busy weeknights. Her blog is a great place to find meal ideas you and your family will love!

    Interview with Quratulain Noor from Ainy Cooks

    Bushrah:  Aslam-o-Alakaum, “How are you?.”

    Quratulain Noor: Walakum salam, I am well, please, call me Ainy, as all my friends do.:).

    Bushrah: Thank you Ainy for joining us today now first we would love to know about you.  _ tell us a bit you and Your Blog _A lady behind “AINY’SCOOK”?

    Quratulain Noor: I am an enthusiastic home cook.Cooking should be a fear less combat, never disappoint from your failure ,this Ii have learned from my 8 years cooking experiences. Interesting thing is I have started proper cooking after marriage. I was not a kitchen person before marriage. I was doing just SHOQIA cooking and helping my mother in making salads and vegetable cutting ,that’s it. Like all other girls I also grew up watching my mother cooking different dishes. Though I’m Masters in Science but I quit my job for my kids, Ali and Zain. I love to cook different and interesting dishes for my family. I cannot hide myself from me; I can see what others can never see;I know what others can never know, I cannot fool myself, and so Whatever happens, I want to be Self-respecting and conscience free.

    Bushrah: What is the story behind your blog’s name, Ainycooks?
    Quratulain Noor: The title of my blog took a while to come up with. When my husband designed my blog he asked me to select a short and unique name. According to my hubby, blog’s name play an important role ,It is the first thing people see. Think of what you want your readers to think when they see blog’s name. After taking his advice I jotted down few names , finally we selected “Mirch Masala” as my blog’s name. But after few days my husband changed the name to “AINYCOOKS”, because he thought not to limit blog to one topic or cuisine related to spices . 🙂

    Bushrah: When and why did you start blogging?

    Quratulain Noor: I wanted to share my knowledge , basically I just wanted a place to post recipes, pics and share my experience with friends and family. I started proper blogging 2 years ago.

    Bushra: Did you ever think that you would be so successful at blogging when you started?

    Quratulain Noor: No, never 🙂 AINYCOOKS has become so much more than I imagined and brings creativity and joy into my life and my kitchen.

    Bushra: The photos of your recipes are one of the highlights of your blog. What are the elements that go into each photo?

    Quratulain Noor: When I started my website I usually took photos with my I pad or mobile phone. But after few months i realized that besides easy and no fail recipes, food photos are also very important. “A picture is worth a thousand words” is very much true. So I started using Canon D500. I am still in learning process and learning techniques of taking perfect photos.

    Bushra: Do you promote your blog? How important is traffic to you?

    Quratulain Noor: Yes, because making blog is easy but to build a successful blog with significant traffic is hard job. I am using Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest to share my posts and to get more traffic.

    Bushra:Are your blog posts impromptu or does a certain amount of planning go into them?

    Quratulain Noor: I never plan anything for my posts 🙂

    Bushrah: Do you try out interesting dishes that you come across in restaurants when you go for reviews?

    Quratulain Noor: I always opt for home cooked foods. The reasons are generally that home cooked foods are much more nutritious and healthier, Hotel food is definitely tasty and a good change of taste for tired tongues , a number of dishes i have tried and posted on my website which i have tasted in different hotels.

    Bushrah: Have there been any mistakes along the way that you have learnt from?

    Quratulain Noor: Lol, a lot of mistakes .You can make a long list. But don’t let fear of mistakes stop you from cooking .  You simply need to be brave.
    I did mistakes in Baking but with time and experience Ii have learnt a lot. One thing i always mention:”Never Give up” .

    Bushrah: You share a lot of basic cooking tips and recipes on your blog. Are there any special secrets that are still hidden from the public eye?

    Quratulain Noor: I am trying to share as many tips as i can, but I never hide any thing from my readers. In future i will follow the same exercise 🙂

    Bushrah: Out of all the methods of cooking, which is your personal favorite? Tell us about an instance when you surprised your family with a really well turned out dish.

    Quratulain Noor: I love to bake. Baking is my favorite method thou i love Barbeque also but baking is top of all. Baked Mutton leg was a big success for me i made it first time and it came out so well. My family and my brother’s family appreciated a lot.

    Bushra: You are living in Attock after Marriage. How much influence did that have on your cooking?

    Quratulain Noor: A lot of, you will see a number of recipes which are basically from this region on my website. Attock city is a last city of Punjab , KPK is just adjacent to Attock.I saw a lot of Pashton families also living here (Afghan too) I am considering myself very fortunate that I have got a chance to learn recipes from Punjabi, Pathan and Afghan families. With time i will add more recipes which are authentic and family recipes from this region.

    Bushra: What do you do when you are not cooking or blogging?

    Quratulain Noor: Thinking about cooking for next day..lolzz. What a busy mother can do , looking after her kids, husband ,home and relatives and much more 🙂

    Bushra: Which other blogs do you follow?

    Quratulain Noor: A number of blogs are in my favorite list.

    Martha stewert
    David Lebovitz
    Recipe Passion
    Haffa kitchen adventure.
    All Pakistani Blogs and of course Yours too 🙂

    Bushra: What advice would you like to give to people who want to start blogging?

    Quratulain Noor: “You were born an original. Don’t die a copy”

    Though I am also not an expert blogger but i will advice what i have learnt in these 2 years, Be original… you do not have to be a super writer and photographer you just need to focus on our own interests. Do what you like most. Be patient because audience building is a slow process. Always visit other blogs and communicate with them and ask their advice like my 2 advisers are Monu Teena and Bushra Waheed.

    Bushra: hahha __thanks ainy for your compliments 🙂 What are your cooking inspirations? A famous chef, your mom, a cookbook, a blog…?

    Quratulain Noor: Defiantly my biggest inspiration is my Mother after her, every single person who is involved in guiding and telling me different recipes is my inspiration.

    Bushra: What can we expect from Ainy Cooks  in the future?

    Quratulain Noor:”Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present.” –Marcus Aurelius Antoninus

    I never planned future but i have one thing in my mind to bring more interesting recipes and Introduce Pakistani culture to my readers.

    Bushra: What’s your favorite recipes from your blog. How have you found the public’s reaction to your recipes and writing? blog?

    Quratulain Noor: Singaporean rice, Basan ke parathe with green chutney and Chocolate Marquise. These recipes are my favorite and i have got an excellent response when i shared on my website and Facebook page.

    Bushra: Your Favorite savory ingredient to cook with.

    Quratulain Noor: Black pepper, I love to add this ingredient in every dish. The aroma and taste of freshly crushed pepper we can’t compare with any other ingredient.

    Bushra:  Favorite sweet ingredient to cook with.

    Quratulain Noor: Sugar 😀 in fact i like to add condense milk in my sweet dishes most.

    Bushra: When You feel lazy You cook.

    Quratulain Noor: You will get a big YES from all house wives, If we will not cook then who will feed our families. In Pakistani Culture only a wife is the one who has to fulfill this responsibility.

    Bushra: What’s Your pick me up dish?

    Quratulain Noor: Biryani of all kinds and types.

    Bushra: Favorite dish That not cooked by you?

    Quratulain Noor: I have tried all my favorites at home but one dish which i want to try is Mantu ( a Afghan dish) , Inshallah i will try and post the recipe soon.

    Bushra: For a romantic meal what would you want to eat?

    Quratulain Noor: Barbeque food is my all time favorite, I would like to order BBq dishes first. Then a rich Chocolate Mousse.

    Bushra: Your Favorite time of the day? 

    Quratulain Noor: Early morning after Fajar. I feel a deep down calmness in my heart after hearing chirping sounds and tranquility.

    Bushra: Your Favorite Cooking Magazine

    Quratulain Noor: Dalda ka Dastarkwan. But i have a huge collection of cookery books also.

    Bushra: Your Favorite Book?

    Quratulain Noor: Divine Chocolate Book is my favorite.

    Bushra: Your Favorite Tv show

    Quratulain Noor: I usually follow Chef Zakir and Shireen Anwer’s cooking shows.

    Bushra: Your Favorite Color

    Quratulain Noor: Blue , pink and all shades of brown.

    Bushra: One recipe you want to pass on ?

    Quratulain Noor: My mother’s recipe of Fried Chops.

    Bushra: One Cuisine you can live on?

    Quratulain Noor: Pakistani Cuisine is the best.

    Bushra: One a winter evening what you would like to cook or eat?

    Quratulain Noor: As I have mentioned I love BBQ food and in winter i like to cook  Chicken tikka and Malai Boti once in a week.

    Bushra: One a hot summer day what would you like to cook?

    Quratulain Noor: Rice of any type along with Raita’s.

    To stay updated with Ainy’s and find more of her delicious recipes make sure to check out her blog and follow her  here:


    Thank you Ainy for sharing your views with us 🙂


  • Food Blogger Meetup with Neelofer Naeem

    Welcome to the newest series on my Website; an interview series with some of my favorite food bloggers. My purpose of this series is to appreciate food blogger work all over the world and share their foodie talent to give you inspiration.

    Today we have Neelofer Naeem from NEELO’S KITCHEN:

    neelo's kitchen

    Me: Dear Neelo’s Aslam-o-Alakaum, “Hope you are doing well, and in good health.”

    Neelofer: W’salam, I’m fine thanks :).


    Me: Thank you Neelofer for joining us today now first we would love to know about you.  _ tell us a bit you and Your Blog _ A lady behind “Neelo’s Kitchen”?

    Neelofer: My Name is Neelofar Naeem. I am from Karachi, Pakistan but settled in UK Since last 9 years. I did my graduation from Khatoon-e-Pakistan college in Arts and as a subject I studied Home Economics.
    Since very young age I had a passion of cooking. I watched my mom cooking in Kitchen and wanted to copy her style. I learned basic and traditional cooking by my mom. I like to cook traditional, Authentic and healthy dished for my Family but on other hand I like continental food to so I do keep trying , inventing New dishes and recipes.

    Cooking according to me is like Science, Where we do experiments, and invent new everyday! We learn from our mistakes and by Keep trying and not giving up!

    While cooking I keep Nutritional Value in my mind too, to make meal healthy but not compromising with taste, so my Family enjoy healthy and yummy food all the time.
    Lastly I want to say “What ever Respect and honour I am getting in my Life is all cause of my Husband Love and Support.” he is the only one who has always trusted on me and encouraging me to take Successful steps in life.


    Me: What is the story behind your blog’s name, Neelo’s Kitchen.

    Neelofer: I kept the same name for my Blog which I already had on Facebook page with a name of ” Neelo’s Kitchen”, Which was the idea of my Husband. As my cooked food was liked by everyone who visited my place and have it..They ask me recipes, all the time repeating same recipes and telling about process was getting quite difficult for me. Then, my husband gave me idea to open a page add and save all my tried and tested recipes on Page and give benefits to all food lovers to try out my recipes. it makes my life easier, now instead of repeating recipes I simply ask my friends to follow my blog and try out what ever they are looking for .


    Me: Describe your Blog in Three words??

    Neelofer: Inspired, Friendly and scrumptious.


    Me: What are your cooking inspirations? A famous chef, your mom, a Cookbook, a Blog? 

    Neelofer:My inspiration is my mom and my Husband and also my own interest and determination to cook something good and healthy for my Husband.


    Me: Who or what inspired you to take the plunge and start your own food blog?

    Neelofer: I was successfully running my page on Facebook than one of my Dearest Friend Bushrah suggested me to do blogging so more peoples gets benefits from my recipes.


    Me: What’s your biggest failure ever in the Kitchen?

    Neelofer: When I was 11 years old and first time tried to bake Cake.Recipe I found from the Rafhan cornflour box, it was the first time I was handling oven so didn’t get idea that we must have to Preheat it first, I put my cake batter straight in oven. Everyone one was excited my father, my mom, my siblings. When cake came out of oven it was a big disaster. Uncooked from center, hard and chewy. But this thing didn’t stop me. I tried and tried and after several attempt I was able to make perfect and yummy cake like bakery.


    Me: What is your favorite Pakistani dish?

    Neelofer: My Favourite dish is Biryani and Gulab Jamun.


    Me: Any Ingredients you can’t stand? Which one can’t you live without?

    Neelofer: I can’t stand without chicken powder


    Me: What’s the most adventurous dish you’ve ever eaten?

    Neelofer: No I didn’t tried any Adventurous food cause my food journey itself is adventure for me.


    Me: What kind of recipes most of the people want these days?

    Neelofer: It depends on, some like traditional recipes, some like healthy and some like quick meals which gets ready in 20 minutes.


    Me: You visited Malaysia a little less than a year ago. What’s the best food you tried there?

    Neelofer: While visit to Malaysia we (I and my Husband) travelled to an Island Langkawi and had a very tasty Biryani and seekh Kebab in ” Lebanon Restaurant” very nice hospitality and very scrumptious food. In Malaysia they call Dhaba “mama”restaurant which you can find every corner of the street, We like there Milk tea and Paratha which they serve with a special potato curry. I still miss that flavor and food.


    Me: What ingredients would you like to use to make a scrumptious dessert? You can only pick four!

    Neelofer: Whipping cream, oreo, strawberry and ice cream these are the ingredients I always keep in my fridge/freezer for last minutes guest to make Oreo cream or Strawberry cream.

    neelo's oreo cream

    Me: How have you found the public’s reaction to your recipes and writing?

    A: They show lots of interest as I started my page Last year and Alhumdulillah now I have above 141,000 followers who not only appreciate but also try my recipes and send me their feedback with pictures.


    Me: What’s your favorite recipe from your blog?

    Neelofer: All recipes are my Favorite but I myself like Chicken Karahi, Singaporean Rice and lots more.


    Me: What piece of Photography equipment could you not go without?

    Neelofer: My Iphone


    Me: If I’m only going to make one dish from your blog, which one should it be?

    Neelofer: It would be Chicken Patties.

    Neelo's Chicken Patties
    Neelo’s Chicken Patties


    Me: What’s one secret talent outside of the kitchen nobody knows about you?

    Neelofer: Outside the kitchen I have little bit sense of Home decorating, I sew my own clothes.


    Me: What are your top tips for newie food bloggers?

    Neelofer: For Beginners I would suggest to have Patience, hard working and determination, Knowledge of food, interest in cooking are keen ingredients to get success and one more thing never get afraid of blunders you make in kitchen, keep on trying.


    To stay updated with Neelo’s and find more of her delicious recipes make sure to check out her blog and follow her  here:  Neelo’s Kitchen Blog 

    Follow Neelo’s Kitchen on Facebook

    Follow Neelo’s On GOOGLE+

    Neelo’s Facebook Group


    Thank you so much Neelofer for sharing so much with us. 🙂