Tag: Muslim bloggers

  • Taste the Best of Lahore with FoodPanda “Good Food Tour”

    Taste the Best of Lahore with FoodPanda “Good Food Tour”

    Over that past year, I have been fortunate enough to meet lots of amazing bloggers, which has helped ease my anxiety when attending events. So, when Foodpanda emailed me about her latest event, “Good Food Tour Lahore edition“, I did not hesitate in responding with a giant yes please!

    Foodpanda : Good Food Tour Invitation
    Foodpanda : Good Food Tour Invitation

    As the date came closer I followed the #GoodFoodTour  hastag on Instagram and Twitter to see who was attending and, to my surprise, none of my usual blogger buddies seemed to be on the list; my anxiety grew but I didn’t want to sit in my comfort zone by not going. This was an opportunity to push myself and meet people.

    I joined Foodpanda’s ‘Good Food Tour’ last friday, which was the second event of a series of good food tours in Pakistan focusing on a different theme each time. This tour focused on a culinary journey through the trendiest restaurants in Lahore. A journey that will be a delicious treat for the tastebuds, where a group of bloggers and influencers ate their way around town, trying signature dishes from 4 top-notch restaurants in Lahore.

    Warning: the following post contains an excessive amount of photographs of highly delicious food – reading on an empty stomach is not advised! 🙂

    First Stop: Napoli Restaurant

    The first stop of this tour was Napoli Restaurant located at DHA phase 5, who served us with their delicious new improved menu with all the healthy and nutritional options. Napoli offer delightful variety of nutritionally dense, delicious and fresh food. They are  passionate about helping customers refuel, rebuild and heal through food.

    We had Wasabi Prawns,  Honey mustard wings, Fried calamari, two tomato bruschetta. The fried Calmari and wasabi Prawns, Two Tomato Bruschetta with blast of flavors and  Honey Glazed Mustard Wings was mouth watering and the ambience of the café was very peaceful.

    Two Tomato Bruschetta @ Napoli Restaurant
    Two Tomato Bruschetta @ Napoli Restaurant

    The Two Tomato Bruschetta was also absolutely delicious with slices of grilled ciabatta bread topped with fresh baby plum, cherry tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil, baby basil and cheese. I want the recipe for the tomato dressing, it was so good! 😀

    Two Tomato Bruschetta @ Napoli Restaurant
    Two Tomato Bruschetta @ Napoli Restaurant

    These crispy Wasabi Prawns were an excellent choice to pair with fresh salad. Danggit! Don’t you just look forward to this for the first meal of the day? Or anytime of the day actually.

    Wasabi Prawns @ Napoli Restaurant
    Wasabi Prawns @ Napoli Restaurant

    Their Fried calamari is out of this world and the sauces deserve special mention. I mean if you like calamari… you would fall in love with  this tempura style Calamari! Crunchy, fresh, addicting. !!

    Fried Calmari @ Napoli Restaurant
    Fried Calmari @ Napoli Restaurant

    One simply can’t say no to wings.  A simple honey-Mustard glaze gives these wings knockout flavor. A must try!

    Honey Mustard Wings @ Napoli Restaurant
    Honey Mustard Wings @ Napoli Restaurant

    Second Stop: Rivoli

    The second restaurant of this amazing Food Panda tour was “Rivoli”. Our culinary experience at the Rivoli started off with  Street style Chicken Sliders, Fried ring onion, fries and dipping suace.  The Slider was saucy but the one thing I didn’t like was the slider bun which was really hard. It was kind of sweet and tasted like the meetha bun we find at our Pakistani bakeries. My overall experience was just ok.

    Third Stop: Sweet Affairs

    “Sweet Affairs” was our 3rd stop. And I just fell in love with this, From the brick oven Pizza (BBQ & Mexican flavored), to the Fettuccine in bechmal sauce, Pasta Aurora with Grilled Chicken and the Basil Beef from Sweet Affairs are a must-try!

    I really liked the soothing and peaceful ambiance of Sweet affairsl, and the quality of the food was well above average.

    Sweet Affairs
    Sweet Affairs

    I can highly recommend the fettuccine in bechmal sauce,  the sauce was so good, fresh basil, with a good amount of cheese and sauce,  i just want to slurp it with a spoon. 😛

    And their brick oven pizza’s (BBA & Mexican) were amazing !!! Loved the taste, the presentation and the topping. It’s light and fresh and yet at the same time gave me all the festive feels.  Best thing about this was how they brought the authentic taste of Italian cuisine in Lahore.  All the dishes were just perfect. 5/5 for that!

    Fourth Stop: Mocca Coffee

    No meal is complete without the perfect sweet finish and foodpanda‘s Good Food Tour was completed with delectable sweet treats from Mocca Coffee.

    If you can fit in dessert the Mocca Coffee is another winner – Their Brownie melt is amazing, scoop of Ice cream over brownie drizzled with syrup and served with melted chocolate suace and mint. Yum. Their macaroons, mocca and caramel frappucinos, carrot cake, brownie melt and chocolate mousse are to die for!

    Dear Brownie Melt, If you’re going to ask me what I love about you, the answer is everything. Let’s start simply: You’re delicious.  It’s hard to pick out a single favourite from Mocca Coffee, but if I had to recommend just one thing, Brownie Melt is a MUST-TRY!

  • Food Blogger Interview: Meet Fatimah from Muslim Girl Bakes

    Food Blogger Interview: Meet Fatimah from Muslim Girl Bakes

    Welcome to another edition of Interview with a food blogger!

    Meet Fatimah from Muslim Girl Bakes

    Today, we’re chatting with Fatimah, the Muslim blogger behind the fabulous food photography and recipes blog ThisMuslimGirlBake. Fatimah loves trying out new recipes. On her blog, she shares her favorites, along with stunning pictures. I absolutely love the way she styles food (even her recipe instructions are gorgeous!).Most of her recipes are quick too and perfect for busy weeknights. ThisMuslimGirlBake is a great place to find meal ideas you and your family will love! Scroll down to read the interview and go give Fatimah some love!

    Food Blogger Interview: Meet Fatimah from Muslim Girl Bakes

    Interview with Fatimah from Muslim Girl Bakes

    Bushrah: Aslam-o-Alakaum Wr Wb. Jazakillah khaira for joining us today now first we would love to know about you. _ tell us a bit you and Your Blog _ A girl behind “This Muslim?

    Fatimah: Thank you so much for having me! I blog at This Muslim Girl Bakes. I usually post full photo step-by-step sweet and savoury recipes twice a week. My sweet recipes are usually my latest dessert/baked good success and my savoury recipes are from all over the world. I love putting a halal spin on different recipes but am well known for my Pakistani recipes being of Pakistani origin myself.

    Bushrah: What is the story behind your blog’s name, This Muslim Girl Bake?

    Fatimah: I wish I had some amazing story behind the name but honestly it just came to me one day! And has stuck ever since!

    Bushrah: Describe your Blog in Three words??

    Fatimah: So many photos!

    Bushrah: What are your cooking inspirations? A famous chef, your mom, a Cookbook, a Blog?

    Fatimah: As for cooking inspiration, I would have to say my family. I come from a family of very strong, female home cooks. My mother is an amazing cook as was her mother before her. They all cooked and still cook simple recipes to feed busy homes. I’m also inspired by the Internet as a whole. I love how anyone from anywhere can share a recipe online. You can cook a recipe which is from a New York kitchen one day and the next, a traditional dish from Hong Kong. It’s amazing!

    Bushrah: Who or what inspired you to take the plunge and start your own food blog?

    Fatimah: I had been reading food blogs for a  few years before starting my own. Being surrounded by a group of friends from different places and cultures, the food of our homes was always a topic of conversation. How we cooked different curries or what we had eaten on Eid. When describing my own recipes, I would think, wouldn’t it be easier if I could just take pictures and show them? And so that’s what I did. I also wanted a place for all my family recipes. I felt that so many of our traditional Pakistani recipes were falling out of fashion or weren’t even represented on the food blog scene. The blog was and still is my chance to preserve those age-old recipes.

    Bushrah: Did you ever think that you would be so successful at blogging when you started?

    Fatimah: No way! At the beginning, it was only my mum who was reading the blog. Then, it filtered out to family, friends and the wider world. I remember when I got my first 100 views and then the 1000! I was so excited!

    Bushrah:  What’s your biggest failure ever in the Kitchen?

    Fatimah: I have so many!! Recently, there are two that come to mind. The first, those fiddly French macrons and the second, choux pastry.

    Bushrah:  What is your favorite dish?

    Fatimah: That is such a hard question! It honestly depends on my mood and what I’m craving. But I think one dish I could never say no to is a freshly- made chicken pulao. It will always be one of ultimate comfort foods – a real taste of home.

    Bushrah: Any Ingredients you can’t stand? Which one can’t you live without?

    Fatimah: I cannot stand desiccated coconut. This is something my mother does not understand as she has always loved it. On the other hand, I couldn’t live without my spice cupboard! Especially things like cumin, cinnamon, coriander and chilli. I not only use them in Pakistani recipes but add them to other things for a little twist! Can I also add butter to that list? I use it for baking and sometimes, cooking. A little butter always makes things better!

    Bushrah: What’s the most adventurous dish you’ve ever eaten?

    Fatimah: The most adventurous dish I’ve ever eaten would have to be the Pai curry. It’s made with cows trotters and gives off the strongest smell when cooking!

    Bushrah: What kind of recipes most of the people want these days?

    Fatimah: I’ve found that people want quick recipes with the least number of ingredients. Also, I’ve seen an increased interest in old, traditional dishes. As we get older, we become more nostalgic and want to cook the things our mothers made when we were children.

    Bushrah: What ingredients would you like to use to make a scrumptious dessert? You can only pick four!

    Fatimah: My current favourite 4-ingredient dessert would have to be the lemon posset. It’s a really old English chilled dessert made with lemons, caster sugar and double cream. That’s three things and so I would serve it with number four – buttery shortbread fingers to dip!


    Bushrah: How have you found the public’s reaction to your recipes and writing?

    Fatimah: I’ve been really lucky in my 4 years of blogging to have had a really positive reaction. Now and again, you will get one or two people who were not fans of a certain recipe. But that’s to be expected – everyone has different tastes and so it is impossible to please everyone!

    Bushrah: What’s your favorite recipe from your blog?

    Fatimah: Again, that is such a hard question! Every recipe I post is my current favorite! An all-time favorite that I turn to time and time again would be our house Pakistani chicken curry. It’s a timeless classic and I love it.


    Bushrah: What piece of Photography equipment could you not go without?

    Fatimah: Sounds obvious but most definitely, my camera. It’s simple to use and small enough to have with me in the kitchen. I post step-by-step photo recipes so having a smaller camera is the best thing for me.

    Bushrah: If I’m only going to make one dish from your blog, which one should it be?

    Fatimah: Again, such a hard question! And again, it depends on my mood. Right now, I’m obsessed with my sea salt chocolate chunk cookies. I made a batch on snapchat recently just so I could stash the cookie dough into the freezer for emergencies! They are that good!

    Bushrah: What’s one secret talent outside of the kitchen nobody knows about you?

    Fatimah: Food styling and food photography! I wouldn’t really call it a talent because I’m still such a novice myself. But I’ve been loving putting more thought and care into my food photos to make them look the best.


    Bushrah: Have there been any mistakes along the way that you have learnt from ?

    Fatimah: So many mistakes! I make mistakes everyday and as long as I learn from them, I don’t mind. For example, a few days ago I made porridge. I added the water to the oats all at once which resulted in lots of lumps in the end result. Next time, I will add the water gradually. So, as long as I learn from my mistakes, I don’t mind.

    Bushrah: What are your top tips for newie food bloggers?

    Fatimah: Write the food blog that you yourself would want to read. Cook the things on your blog that you cook in real life. Bake the things on your blog that you bake in real life. And most importantly, love the content that you’re posting. The love and passion that you have for your content will filter through to your readers. And, most importantly of all, enjoy it!

    Head over to Fatimah’s recipe index or see her Pinterest board dedicated to Muslim Girl Bakes recipes for more recipes!

    Follow Fatimah on Social Media: Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter