Restaurant-Style at Home: Make Authentic Namak Mandi Karahi Gosht!

Namak Mandi Karahi Gosht

Namak Mandi Karahi Gosht is a famous dish from Afghanistan. You can get taste of this salty dish at home with an easy cooking.

Even if we have tried the most fascinating and delicious foods from around the globe, we still come back to our authentic classic food. Try out this classic Namak Mandi Karahi Gosht recipe.It makes delicious with simple ingredients that you too can’t believe when you taste dish.

Namak Mandi Karahi Gosht Recipe
Photo: Namak Mandi Karahi Gosht Recipe

Check it out the Namak Mandi Karahi Gosht Recipe here!!


[one_fourth]Prep Time:15 minutes [/one_fourth] [one_fourth]Cook Time:1 hour 10 minutes[/one_fourth] [one_fourth]Servings:4 [/one_fourth] [one_fourth_last]Difficulty Level: Easy[/one_fourth_last]


[tabs type=”horizontal”] [tabs_head] [tab_title]Ingredients[/tab_title] [tab_title]Nutrition[/tab_title] [/tabs_head] [tab]

  • 1 kg lamb or mutton meat
  • 300 gm lamb or mutton fat
  • 1/4 cup butter or ghee
  • 6 green chilies
  • 2 tomatoes, cubed
  • Salt according to taste

[/tab] [tab]Yield: 4 servings

Nutritional information is not yet available. [/tab] [/tabs]

[tabs type=”horizontal”] [tabs_head] [tab_title]Step by Step Method[/tab_title] [tab_title]Serving Suggestions[/tab_title][/tabs_head] [tab]

Step 1

Place lamb fat in a large wok or karahi. Heat it up until it starts melt.

Step 2

Now add mutton and butter. Cook and stir for 10 minutes or until mutton colour turns white.

Step 3

Now add 2 cups of water. Cover and let it simmer on low heat for 1 hour or until meat is tender and all water dries up.

Step 4

Increase the flame and add chopped tomatoes.

Step 5

Season with salt. Mix well.

Step 6

Cook and stir for 5 minutes or until tomatoes are done.

Step 7

Fry well until oil comes on top.

Step 8 

Garnish with green chillies and put on dum for 5 minutes. Delicious Namak Mandi Karahi Gosht is ready to serve.

[/tab] [tab]

  • Serve with tandoori roti or naan.

[/tab] [/tabs]

Here are some of the Karahi Recipes We’ve shared (click on the Recipe Name to get the recipe) !

View More Karahi Recipes Here>>

If you like Namak Mandi Karahi Gosht Recipe and make it then let me know your feedback by commenting below. And if you know more innovative ways in which we can utilize this salty and mouthwatering Namak Mandi Karahi Gosht, do share with us and we would be glad to give it a try.


One response to “Restaurant-Style at Home: Make Authentic Namak Mandi Karahi Gosht!”

  1. ijax Avatar

    Nice recepi but its not from Afghanistan actually namak mandi is a name of street in peshawar where you find lot of restaurant making the lamb karahi plus they dont add water to it, its fried in fats, then normally full tmatos are added instead of chopped one.
    Im also cs but love food, n from Peshawar so that’s y asking for correction

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