Afghani tikka is one of the famous dishes of Afghanistan. Afghan Cuisine is mostly mild and aromatic, they do not use powdered masalas like red chilli powder, etc., that’s why their food is mild and scented with natural and aromatic flavors. If you desire to eat an utter tasty tikka then you need to undertake this recipe. This is one the finest and easy Afghani tikka recipe that you will love it.
[one_third] Prep Time: 20 minutes[/one_third] [one_third]Cook Time: 25 minutes[/one_third] [one_third_last] Servings: 5[/one_third_last]
[tabs type=”horizontal”] [tabs_head] [tab_title]Ingredients[/tab_title] [tab_title]Nutrition[/tab_title] [/tabs_head] [tab]
- 1 kg Beef undercut
- 1/2 cup onion
- 6 tablespoon oil
- 1 tablespoon garlic paste
- 2 tablespoon lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 300 gm sheep fat
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Yield: 5 servings
Nutritional information is not yet available. [/tab] [/tabs]
[tabs type=”horizontal”] [tabs_head] [tab_title]Step by Step Method[/tab_title] [tab_title]Serving Suggestions[/tab_title][/tabs_head] [tab]
Step 1
Cut beef and sheep fat in cubes.
Step 2
Grind onion, lemon juice, garlic and a little bit of water. Drain liquid with muslin cloth.
Step 3
Marinate beef and fat in this liquid, also salt and leave for 2 hours.
Step 4
Thread on skewers with fat and beef; pour all remaining liquid on skewers.
Step 5
Grill them, BBQ or cook on greased grilled pan. Afghani tikka is ready to serve.
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- Serve with Afghani naan and pickled in vinegar.
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