Very soft delicious kababs. A little different in cooking with a little technique but very interesting and easy. Try it once and you’ll make them again and again like me. Check it out the Bihari Kabab Recipe here!!
[one_third] Prep Time: 20 minutes[/one_third] [one_third]Cook Time: 45 minutes[/one_third] [one_third_last] Servings: 4[/one_third_last]
[tabs type=”horizontal”] [tabs_head] [tab_title]Ingredients[/tab_title] [tab_title]Nutrition[/tab_title] [/tabs_head] [tab]
- 500 gm beef fillets
- 2 tbs unripe papaya (grinded)
- 1 tsp ginger paste
- 1 tsp garlic paste
- 1 tsp salt (according to taste)
- 2 tbs yogurt
- 1 tsp chili powder
- 1 tbsp chopped green chilies
- 1 tbsp oil
[/tab] [tab]Yield: 4 servings
Nutritional information is not yet available. [/tab] [/tabs]
[tabs type=”horizontal”] [tabs_head] [tab_title]Step by Step Method[/tab_title] [tab_title]Serving Suggestions[/tab_title][/tabs_head] [tab]
Step 1
Mix together all the spices, yogurt and papaya and coat the beef with it.
Step 2
Leave to marinate for 5-6 hours preferably overnight.
Step 3
Then barbecue over charcoal or you can bake it in an oven.
Step 4
Garnish with onion rings, ginger, green chilies and lemon juice. Bihari kabab is ready to serve.
[/tab] [tab]
- Serve hot with naan, salad or mint raita.
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