Aslam-o-Alakum everyone!
So my 5 year blogiversary is coming up in like a week. Yes,I remember tons of random dates dates if something significant happened on that day, ok don’t judge me..
Anyway. So I wanted to do something awesome for my Blogiversary.
Here is what I want to do:
Blogiversary Ask Me Anything
I’ll be making my 5 year blogiversary video soon! What is it you really want to know about me???
In the comments below, ask me anything you want. Blog related, advice, my favorite things. I will chose 15 questions (or more depending on how many are asked) and I will feature them in my Blogiversary blog post.
Also… There will be a surprise gift from me. The winner will be picked from the list of people who ask quality and interesting questions. I will notify you through e-mail (if it’s on your blog), or I will comment to let you know.
*The giveaway will end on October 24th (12 pm Pacific Time).
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