Instant Lemon Pickle Recipe

I love pickle and I used to have it daily along with my meal. Very tempting lemon pickle and a instant one too. This instant Lemon Pickle tastes great with lemon rice or curd rice.

instant lemon pickle recipe
Photo: instant lemon pickle recipe

Try the easy recipe of Instant Lemon pickle shown below.

Ready In: 20 minutes
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes

This recipe make 6 serving(s).


  • 6 ripe lemons
  • fenugreek (methi) seeds
  • mustard seeds
  • chili  powder
  • salt to taste
  • a pinch asafoetida (hing)
  • oil


  • Cut 3 lemons into small pieces taking out the seeds from them.
  • Peel and take the juice from the other 3 lemons
  • Heat a small cup of water and let it cool.
  • Pressure cook the lemon pieces – don’t add any water to the pieces.
  • Fry rai, hing in oil and add chili powder and salt.
  • Roast the methi seeds and add 2 tablespoons of powder to the above mixture also adding in the juice taken from the 3 lemons
  • Once the lemons in the cooker have boiled add them to the above mixture and you can have the lemon pickle without drying in the heat and waiting for 5 days or so.
  • Instant Lemon Pickle is ready to use.
  • Enjoy!


  • Do not cook lemons for long time. It might taste bitter if you do so.
  •  Try to use sesame oil for authentic taste.
  •  I prepared it last week and it has stayed good till now. Do not forget to refrigerate.

 Serving Suggestions:

  • Serve with lemon rice, paratha or puri.

1 comment

i love lemon pickle! and this instant one is so cool.. no wait and perfect.

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