Lemon Pickle In Oil Recipe

Ingredients of Lemon Pickle In Oil:

  • 1 kg Lemons
  • 240 grams Salt
  • 1/2 liter Mustard Oil
  • 2 big pieces of asafoetida
  • 4 teaspoons Red chili pepper
  • 1/2 kg Ginger
  • 30 grams Mustard seeds
  • 120 grams whole fresh red chillies
  • 60 grams methi seeds
  • 1 cup Lemon  juice
  • 1 tbsp  Salt  for lime juice

How to make Lemon Pickle in Oil:

  • Wash and dry the lemons with a cloth.
    In each lemon make four cuts and pack the salt inside and rub a little salt outside also till tender.
    Heat the oil till smoky.
    Remove from the fire, add asafoetida and when it swells up, crush it with a spoon.
    Add chili powder and stir till red color appears.
    Remove from the fire, add mustard seeds and stir for a little while.
    Now stir in lemons, fresh red chillies and ginger and cook until a little tender.
    Roast methi seeds and powder.
    Mix methi seed powder and the juice of galgal or lime mixed with one tablespoon salt Cook for 5 minutes.
    Remove from the fire, pour the lemons with the juice into a clean jar, and cork tightly.
  • Lemon Pickle In  Oil is ready to use.

  • Enjoy!

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