Tag: Snack

  • The Surprising Superfruit That Will Jazz Up Your Snack Routine

    What if I told you about a super fruit that you can find at almost any corner store, that won’t break the bank, and you can toss straight in your bag as you head out the door? Not only does this wonder food actually exist, but chances are you’ve eaten it before—many times.

    Yes, I’m talking about…apples.

    You read that right. The simple fruit you’ve eaten since the days when mom packed your lunch deserves a second look—and a starring role in your snack routine. In addition to being sweet and delicious, apples serve up many serious, science-backed health benefits. Especially when it comes to red-skinned varieties, which are loaded with antioxidant compounds. They’re also irresistibly crisp and juicy.

    Here are five reasons why they make the best between-meal nibble, along with some satisfying ways to serve them.

    1. They’ll curb your cravings without spiking your blood sugar.

    If apples came with a label it might read: “Keeps your sweet tooth happy—without making your body feel crappy!”
    A little corny, maybe, but it’s true.
    While those cookies might seem like a good idea mid-afternoon when you hit a slump, an hour later your energy is lagging again and you’re addicted for another treat. That’s not the case with apples, whose natural sugars come packaged with fiber to slow your body’s absorption of the sugars to give you energy that lasts.

    2. They’ll fill you up for real.

    Speaking of fiber, apples have more than almost any other fruit, according to the Mayo Clinic. A medium apple with the skin packs nearly 5g (around 20% of what you need in a day). And that roughage digests slowly and takes up lots of space in your stomach—so you fill up quickly and stay satisfied.

    3. And speaking of weight, they might help you lose a little.

    In addition to the ability to fight junky cravings and fill you up, apples are packed with polyphenols that research suggests could fight fat. Add it all up, and it’s no wonder that making these fruits your go-to snack could help you reach your weight-loss goals. In fact, one study published in the journal Appetite found that overweight women who added three apples a day to their usual diet lost an average of 2 pounds over 10 weeks.

    4. They’ll keep the doctor away (really).

    Diets rich in high-fiber foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans are tied to a lower risk for heart diseasetype 2 diabetes, and even breast and colorectal cancers.

    And apples are a particularly good choice, especially the skins, contain polyphenols and antioxidants that are known for protecting against oxidative stress associated with chronic diseases. Red apples, in particular, boast a range of health-boosting compounds such as hydroxycinnamates, flavanols, and anthocyanins, research shows.
    In other words? It’s more than worth your while to have one a day.

    5. They’re the little black dress of your snack stash.

    Since apples come naturally packaged and can sit at room temperature, they’re the snack that works any place, anytime. And when it comes to picking healthy snacks, that matters a whole lot. Apples are not only incredibly delicious, but they are also the perfect size for snacking so there are no leftovers and they keep incredibly well in the fridge so there is less spoilage.

    Best of all? You’ve got sky-high versatility when it comes to serving ideas. While sometimes a crunchy apple, plain and simple, is all you need to hit the spot, pairing your apple with some protein and healthy fat makes it more filling—and keeps things interesting on the flavor front. I am a big fan of crunchy juicy apples, their balanced, tangy-sweet flavor goes with just about everything.

    Interested in adding more apples into your snack routine? Here are some tasty ideas to try:

    To discover more apple recipe click here!!

  • Full-of-Herbs Fish Cakes Recipe

    Full-of-Herbs Fish Cakes Recipe

    Who says making fish cakes is tedious?
    Who says you need some clever work?

    Today, I am going to share My favorite ‘Full-of-Herbs Fish Cakes recipe’ with all of you!!

    Fish cakes are real comfort food and so easy to make with some leftover fish(you can use salmon, tuna cod or haddock etc). Delicious, family-friendly Full-of-Herbs Fish Cakes. Perfect for a quick and healthy dinner.

    Full-of-Herbs Fish Cakes
    Full-of-Herbs Fish Cakes

    Yes, its so easy to make!!
    The process is done in less than 15 minutes with a food processor, plus some manual work.. stirring and forming patties and frying.
    That’s all. 

    Full-of-Herbs Fish Cakes
    Full-of-Herbs Fish Cakes

    This is a full-of herbs fish cakes indeed! The herbs ; dill, coriander, basil, parsley and ginger. The herb mixture is so fragrant, the basil leaves gave a wonderful aroma that no other herbs can give, do not leave it out. I have always used fresh basil leaves for my cooking, a common ingredient over here in my Kitchen. Basil leaves are so fragrant. And I do have many pots of basil plants in my potted garden.

    Full-of-Herbs Fish Cakes
    Full-of-Herbs Fish Cakes

    White-fleshed fish meat (boneless and skinless, I’ve used sole) are cut to chunks and process briefly in the food processor just so they are broken into small pieces. They are then added to the herb mixture, along with chopped green onion, half an egg, cornflour, ground coriander, sauce, lemon zest, and salt. Shape into cakes, flatten a little, and fry in hot oil on both sides until cooked through. Fish meat cooked pretty quickly, So I have cooked the fish cakes on the stove over medium-low heat on both sides, turning them over a couple of times until they are cooked through.

    Full-of-Herbs Fish Cakes
    Full-of-Herbs Fish Cakes: they get a high score on the flavour front.

    Bright, bold and richly flavored, these are not your typical fish cakes. There are a lot of herbs and various other aromatics in these fish cakes, which gets them a high score on the flavour front. That flavor is layered into every step: the fish is mixed with green onions along with vibrant herbs and fragrant lemon zest. If you use less, they will still taste pretty good, and the fish will stand out more. These quantities make 12-16 cakes (depending on size), or enough for four as a first course; or serve as a main with a substantial salad and some good crusty bread.  Serve these crisp-edged cakes with a dollop of garlic mayonnaise — or mayonnaise spiked with garlic sauce or preserved lemons.

    Full-of-Herbs Fish Cakes
    Full-of-Herbs Fish Cakes

    Fish cakes are an economical way of making fish go further. You can, if necessary, replace some of the fish by adding some mashed potatoes but check the seasoning carefully to make sure the finished cakes don’t taste too bland. The addition of herbs gives flavour and also produces attractive green flecks.

    Full-of-Herbs Fish Cakes
    Full-of-Herbs Fish Cakes

    Very tasty and really fragrant from the basil leaves. These fish cakes taste the best when hot (as recommended in the recipe), as when they cool down to room temperature, they do get a little fishy! I ate these with some green salad as part of my dinner dish.

    Extra-Bonus Tip:

    1. You can fry, bake or grill them.
    2. Food processor might smell for sometime. You can remove the smell bu pulsing the food processor with vinegar or lemon juice mixed with some very warm water, and put it out to dry properly.

    If you make this recipe, be sure to snap a photo and hashtag it #Recipestable. I’d love to see what you cook!

    What are your holiday traditions guys? I would love to hear some from you all. Are there recipes passed down to you from your grand mom? Or the one from many generations? Share them all in comments below.

    Happy Cooking!!

  • Mini Pizza Cups Recipe

    Mini Pizza Cups Recipe

    Pizza is always a crowd pleaser, but making your own can be a bit of a headache. This bite-sized alternative is easy to make and healthy (just 150 calories each!) and as much fun to make as they are to eat.

    Mini Pizza Cups
    Mini Pizza Cups

    Mini Pizza Cups

    I’m sure you’ve all heard of or made Pizza Cupcakes or  Pizza Muffins before. But as simple or obvious as this recipe seems, sometimes we need a good reminder of the un-fussy classics. Sometimes you don’t have time or the right ingredients to make an elaborate meal. When this happens, it’s good to have something simple and inexpensive to fall back on.

    Mini Pizza Cups recipe

    Healthy, Budget Friendly Mini Pizza Cups? Yes, Yes, and Yes!

    Mini Pizza Cups recipe
    Mini Pizza Cups

    If you’re crazy about pizza like me, but can’t justify eating it as much as you’d like, this is a great recipe for you. I used leftover pizza dough, chicken, lots of fresh vegetables, and a tablespoon or so of cheese on each mini pizza. Considering each pizza cup base 60 calories, the shredded chicken & cheese about 40 calories, and the rest of the ingredients were vegetables, I’m guessing each pizza had about 150 calories. This is not scientific, but it’s my best guess.

    Mini Pizza Cups
    Mini Pizza Cups

    An interesting and fun way to present your pizzas. These cute little pizza cups will delight anyone, especially kids. Have your children create their own pizzas, and get creative with the toppings. Perfectly shaped and easy to handle, they make for a great addition to lunch boxes or for picnics and road trips.

    Mini Pizza Cups

    Hope you will give this a try and let me know how it turns out for you..

    Check it out the Mini Pizza Cups recipe and printable version here!!

    I have also posted My Fav French Bread Pizza Recipe and Pizza Rolls Recipe which are another easiest & tastiest version of making Pizza. Do check it out as well.  It’s finger lickin’ good. You’ll be coming back for more.

    Put your own spin on it. And lemme know how it turns out. Post a photo on Facebook (Recipestable) or  on Twitter so I can see how lovely yours turn out.

    Follow my blog with Bloglovin

    Happy Baking!!

    If you like this post, Please Subscribe to my blog and let me know your feedback by commenting below.. I have lots more recipes to share with you.

  • Baby Chicken Bread Recipe

    Baby Chicken Bread Recipe

    The recipe I am sharing today is a Family FAVORITE. All families have certain dishes they love to cook and eat. Mine goes gaga for these baby Chicken Breads! Put 12 dozen in front of them and they’ll still demand more. I am sure you will face the same situation with your siblings, cousins, random guests when you try these magical Baby Chicken Bread. (unless they are gluten intolerant. Oops)

    I thought, I would share this FAMILY FAVORITE with everyone since so many Friends nd ClassFellows have asked for this recipe. Enjoy!

    Baby Chicken Bread
    Photo: Baby Chicken Bread

    Baby Chicken Bread

    Chicken bread is a classic of Pakistani bakeries and we served it at most of the tea parties as a staple here. This simple yet delicious bread is easy to make and full of flavor.

    All you really need is a few basic ingredients: salt, flour, baking soda and yeast etc. The “trick” to achieving a perfect texture is not to over knead the dough and don’t over bake, as this will make it tough & hard, ugh not good! Brush with egg wash. Sprinkle a few sesame seeds. And voila! It’s ready to go in the oven for 25 minutes. 

    Baby Chicken Bread recipe
    Photo: Baby Chicken Bread

    On weekend night, I decided to bake chicken bread from scratch and Just for a twist I made  them in baby sizes.

    Don’t ask me why I do these things. I’m not quite sure myself.

    But you have to admit….they’re pretty darn cute.

     Baby Chicken Bread
    Photo: Baby Chicken Bread

    So now that my kitchen is covered with Baby Chicken Breads, what should I do with them?
    Of course, slathering them with hot pepper sauce and taking a big bite doesn’t count. I already did that. Twice.

    Baby Chicken Bread
    Photo: Baby Chicken Bread

    This recipe is especially handy because it makes A LOT of Baby Chicken Breads (1-1/2 dozen to be exact). So they are the perfect, fuss-free party food. Easy to make, fun to eat.

    Bismillah, Let’s get started!

    Check it out the Baby Chicken Bread recipe and printable version below.


    Baby Chicken Bread Recipe

    Chicken bread is a classic of Pakistani bakeries and we served it at most of the tea parties as a staple here. This simple yet delicious bread is easy to make and full of flavor.
    Prep Time 20 minutes
    Cook Time 25 minutes
    Total Time 45 minutes
    Servings 16
    Author Bushra Waheed


    For Baby Chicken Bread Dough

    • 4 cups plain flour
    • 1 tablespoon instant yeast
    • 2 tablespoon dry powdered milk
    • 1 teaspoon salt
    • 1 teaspoon castor sugar
    • 4 tablespoon oil
    • 1 egg plus one for glazing

    For Baby Chicken Bread Filling

    • 2-1/2 cups boiled chicken shredded
    • 1 large onion finely chopped
    • 1 teaspoon salt
    • 1 teaspoon black pepper
    • 1 teaspoon garam masala powder
    • 1/2 cup coriander leaves
    • 4 green chilies finely chopped
    • 1 cup milk
    • 2 tablespoon plain flour
    • 2 tablespoon butter
    • sesame seeds & flax seeds as required


    To Make the Baby Chicken Bread Dough

    • In a large mixing bowl combine the plain flour, salt, castor sugar, dry milk powder, instant yeast, oil and egg.
    • Slowly mix in the lukewarm water with your hands till all the ingredients are mixed well and dough starts to form.
    • Knead the dough for 5-7 minutes on a floured surface till the dough becomes smooth and is no longer sticky.
    • Bang the dough on the floured surface 7-8 times for elasticity.
    • Shape the dough in a large ball add place in a greased bowl.
    • Brush the top lightly with some oil.
    • Cover with a kitchen cloth and let the dough to rise somewhere warm until doubled in size, around 1 hour.

    To make the Chicken Filling

    • Meanwhile, Melt butter in a frying pan over medium heat.
    • Fry onion till soft and translucent.
    • Now add 2 tablespoon plain flour and stir well.
    • Season with salt , black pepper and garam masala powder.
    • Stir in the milk and cook for 2-3 minutes or until thickened.
    • Stir in the shredded chicken add chopped green chillies and coriander leaves.
    • Remove from the heat and let it cool completely.
    • Punch the dough to release air.
    • Preheat oven at 200 degree C.
    • Now divide the dough into 14-16 parts depending on how small you want the baby chicken bread to be.
    • Roll each piece of dough to a rectangular shape.
    • Snip the sides with a sharp knife and put chicken filling in the center.
    • Fold each side so they overlap each other (like a braid) the filling will show slightly but that’s ok.
    • Brush top with beaten egg.
    • Sprinkle sesame seeds and flex seeds.
    • Bake, in the preheated oven, for 25-30 minutes or until its turn golden brown.
    • Right after taking out of the oven apply butter well on whole bread and let it rest covered with a cloth for 2-3 minutes to soften the bread completely.
    • Delicious Baby Chicken Breads are ready to serve.


    Serving Suggestions:
    Voila! Enjoy your delicious bread with hot tea to the loving and deserving.


     Recipe Tip’s:

    1. I always make big batches of chicken bread at a go and then wrap them well in foil, then put them in some sort of a cellophane bag and tie it up tight and freeze.
    2. They can keep up to 4 weeks! When you need one, you just thaw it out overnight in the fridge or keep it out on the counter until it’s thawed out, then unwrap and then splash a little bit of water using your fingertips on it and put it in the oven for about 5 minutes to freshen it back up. Becomes as good as new! 

    Put your own spin on it. And lemme know how it turns out by sharing a picture  on Instagram, Facebook (Recipestable) or Twitter with this hashtag #Recipestable so I can see how lovely yours turn out.

    Happy Baking!!

    If you like this post, Please Subscribe to my blog and let me know your feedback by commenting below.. I have lots more recipes to share with you.

  • Mince Stuffed Cutlets Recipe

    Mince Stuffed Cutlets Recipe

    Aslam-o-Alakaum My Lovelies !!

     In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

    Need a great recipe for just the ingredients you have on hand? Then try this one. Your kids will love opening their lunch boxes to enjoy these “Mince Stuffed Cutlets”. 

    Mince Stuffed Cutlets  Recipe
    Photo: Mince Stuffed Cutlets  Recipe

    Mince Stuffed Cutlets 

    When I was in college, these “Mince Stuffed Cutlets” was one of the first recipes I ever added to my regular rotation.

    Mince Stuffed Cutlets is a great appetizer that involves soft delicate potato patties stuffed with seasoned cooked mince. Delicious and crispy patties that can be made in just 35 minutes. These make a great snack or appetizer or even a starter for parties or perfect for weekend meals.

    Mince Stuffed Cutlets
    Photo: Mince Stuffed Cutlets

    I used to fill my cutlets with spinach, broccoli, cheese, or whatever ingredients I have in my hand. It’s so fun to experiment with different ingredients, home cooking should be easy and fun! Although I enjoyed a lot of combinations, mince stuffed cutlets was always my favorite (and cheese, too).

    I know it seems quite far apart but when you take a bite it taste very close to the potato chops.

    Mince Stuffed Cutlets  Recipe
    Photo: Mince Stuffed Cutlets  Recipe

    There are many variations I have seen online. Some use a little flour mixed with the potato mash, an egg wash, bread crumbs and cornflour. You can make it vegetarian by using cooked peas and carrots in garam masala with some onions and fresh coriander then mixed with the mashed potato and shallow fried. You can replace the lamb mince with cooked ground chicken or beef, or fish. Try getting more creative: This is great fun – keep adding different ingredients to taste the different flavors.

    Mince Stuffed Cutlets
    Photo: Mince Stuffed Cutlets

    Bismillah, let’s begin!

    Check it out the Mince Stuffed Cutlets recipe and printable version below.

     Recipe Note’s:

    1. You can use Chicken /Mutton /Beef mince as on your choice.
    2. These freeze quite well so you can pop them in the freezer before frying them and then completely defrost and then coat and fry.


    I have also posted Sesame Potato Cutlets Recipe which is another easiest & tastiest version of making Cutlets. Do check it out as well.

    Put your own spin on it. And lemme know how it turns out. Post a photo on Facebook (Recipestable) or  on Twitter so I can see how lovely yours turn out.

    Happy Cooking!!

    Keep remember me in your Dua’s and Stay tuned for new content on the blog 🙂

    If you like this post, Please Subscribe to my blog and let me know your feedback by commenting below.. I have lots more recipes to share with you.

  • Party Appetizer Alert: Reshmi Samosa Recipe (Crowd-Pleaser!)

    Reshmi Samosa

    Samosa is an important meal of Iftar time. Reshmi Samosa _ Crisp, light and hot and bursting with flavour. This Reshmi Samosa recipe has a special taste of samosa with chicken, mayonnaise, cream and other seasonings. Do try it and make reshmi samosa on next Iftar to feed your friends & family. Goes great with ketchup or imli sauce.

    Reshmi Samosa Recipe
    Photo: Reshmi Samosa Recipe

    Check it out the Reshmi Samosa Recipe here!!

    Reshmi Samosa Recipe

    Course Appetizer, Comfort Food, Snack
    Cuisine Indian, Pakistani
    Keyword Chicken, Iftar Recipes, kids friendly, Quick and Easy, Ramadan, samosa, snack
    Prep Time 20 minutes
    Cook Time 10 minutes
    Total Time 30 minutes
    Servings 12
    Author Bushra Waheed


    For Samosa Filling:

    • 250 gm boneless chicken cut into strips
    • 2 tablespoon vegetable oil
    • 2 tablespoon fresh coriander leaves
    • 2 tablespoon fresh mint leaves
    • 1 teaspoon ginger garlic paste
    • 2 green onions thinly sliced
    • 4 green chilies thinly sliced
    • 1 tablespoon fresh cream
    • 1 tablespoon mayonnaise
    • 1/2 teaspoon cumin powder
    • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
    • salt to taste

    For Samosa

    • 12 samosa sheets samosa patti’s
    • oil for deep frying


    • Heat 2 tablespoon oil in a frying pan. Add ginger garlic paste and fry for few minutes.
    • When the aroma comes out, add chicken strips.
    • Cover with a lid and cook on low heat for 5-8 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink.
    • When all water dries up, take it out in a dish.
    • Allow to cool and shred the cooked chicken.
    • Now add green chilies, green onion, mint and coriander leaves.
    • Season with cumin powder, black pepper and salt .
    • Stir in the mayonnaise and fresh cream.
    • Place 1 teaspoon of filling onto a samosa sheet ( samosa patti).
    • Fold samosa sheet around filling into a triangular shape. Seal edges with egg yolks or cold water.
    • Repeat this method with remaining ingredients.
    • Heat oil in a deep pan over medium heat.
    • Fry Reshmi samosa’s in hot oil for 1-2 minutes or until they turn crispy and golden brown.
    • Drain on absorbent paper. Reshmi Samosa is ready to serve. ENJOY!!


    Serve with imli ki chutney.

    If you like Reshmi Samosa Recipe and make it then let me know your feedback by commenting below.And if you know more innovative ways in which we can utilize this mouth watering Reshmi Samosa, do share with us and we would be glad to give it a try.

  • The Secret to Bakery-Style Jam Filled Butter Cookies (This Recipe is a Gem!)

    Jam Filled Butter Cookies

    This Jam Filled Butter Cookies Recipe is an easy thumbprint cookie with a fruit jam center. Whip up these simple jam drops in just a few minutes, they make wonderful any-time treats.

    Jam Filled Butter Cookies Recipe
    Photo: Jam Filled Butter Cookies Recipe

    Check it out the  Jam Filled Butter Cookies Recipe here!!

    Jam Filled Butter Cookies Recipe

    Prep Time 10 minutes
    Cook Time 30 minutes
    Total Time 40 minutes
    Servings 36
    Author Bushrah @ Recipestable


    • 2 egg yolks
    • 3/4 cup softened butter
    • 1/2 cup white sugar
    • 1-3/4 cups all-purpose flour
    • 1/2 cup fruit preserves any flavor



    • Preheat the oven to 190 degrees C.
    • Take a bowl, cream together the butter, white sugar and egg yolks.
    • Stir in the flour a little bit at a time until a soft dough forms.
    • Roll dough into 1 inch balls or cut with a cookie cutter.
    • If dough is too soft, refrigerate for 15 to 20 minutes.
    • Place balls 2 inches apart onto ungreased cookie tray.
    • Use your finger or an instrument of similar size to make a well in the center of each cookie.
    • Fill the hole with 1/2 teaspoon of preserves.
    • Bake in the preheated oven for 8-10 minutes or until golden brown on the bottom.
    • Remove from cookie sheets to cool on wire racks.
    • Store in an airtight jar or container. Jam Filled Butter Cookies are ready to serve. ENJOY!


    Serving Suggestions:
    Serve with Tea.

    I have also posted Nankhatai recipe which are another easiest & tastiest version of making cookies at home. Do check it out as well.  It’s finger lickin’ good. You’ll be coming back for more. 

    Put your own spin on it. And lemme know how it turns out. Post a photo on Facebook (Recipestable) or  on Twitter so I can see how lovely yours turn out.

    Happy Cupcakes Making!!

  • Spice Up Your Life: Easy Stuffed Mirch Pakora Recipe

    Stuffed Mirch Pakora

    Are you a Spicy snacks lover? Today I am sharing Stuffed Mirch Pakora Recipe, all time favorites and very easy to make. Start off your meal with this crunchy starter.

    Stuffed Mirch Pakora Recipe
    Photo: Stuffed Mirch Pakora 

    You can make these stuffed Mirch Pakoras as a Iftar time snacks in Ramadan, they hardly take around half an hour to prepare and serve .

    Stuffed Mirch Pakora Recipe
    Photo: Stuffed Mirch Pakora 

    It is also goes great with hot cup of tea on rainy days. Serve hot with tamarind chutney and green chilli chutney or tomato chutney , or tomato sauces .

    Check it out the Stuffed Mirch Pakora Recipe and printable version below!!

    Stuffed Mirch Pakora

    Today I am sharing Stuffed Mirch Pakora Recipe, all time favorites and very easy to make. Start off your meal with this crunchy starter.
    Prep Time 5 minutes
    Cook Time 10 minutes
    Total Time 15 minutes
    Servings 4
    Author Bushrah | Recipestable


    • 8 large size green chilies slit vertically and deseeded.

    For Stuffing

    • 2 tablespoon mint chutney
    • 2 tablespoon tamarind pulp
    • 2 tablespoon pomegranate seeds Anardana, crushed
    • 1/2 teaspoon red chili
    • 1/2 teaspoon cumin powder
    • salt to taste

    For The Batter

    • 1/2 cup chickpea flour besan
    • 1/2 cup rice flour
    • 1/2 teaspoon red pepper
    • 1/4 teaspoon carom seeds ajwain, optional
    • salt to taste

    Other Ingredients

    • oil for frying



      To Make Stuffing

      • In a bowl, mix together the mint chutney, tamaring pulp, pomegranate seeds, red chili, cumin powder and salt.
      • Set aside.

      To Make Batter

      • In another small bowl, combine the chickpea flour,rice flour, red pepper, carom seeds and salt.
      • Add enough water to make a thick batter and set aside.

      To Proceed

      • Divide stuffing into 8 equal portions.
      • Stuff each chilli with a portion of the stuffing.
      • Heat oil in a large pan over medium heat.
      • Dip the stuffed chillies in the flour batter.
      • Deep fry pakoras in hot oil for 4-5 minutes or until they turn golden brown in colour from all sides.
      • Drain on absorbent paper. Stuffed Mirch Pakora is ready to serve.


      Serving Suggestions:
      I served them with mango Chutney to mild the taste.
      I have also posted Chips Pakora Recipe which is another easiest version of making tea time snack or lunch box item . Do check it out as well.


      If you like Stuffed Mirch Pakora Recipe , Please Subscribe to my blog. I have lots more recipes to share with you. And If you make it then let me know your feedback by commenting below.

    • Smiley Face Fries Recipe

      Smiley Face Fries

      Making Smiley Face Fries at home is not a big deal. You can easily make smiley faces with a knife or a teaspoon or other sharp instrument on them.Do try this Smiley Face Fries Recipe and put a smile on your kid’s face with these fun-shaped potatoes that have a crispy crunchy flavor.

      Smiley Face Fries Recipe
      Photo: Smiley Face Fries Recipe

      Bismillah, let’s get started!

      Check it out the  Smiley Face Fries Recipe and printable version below!

      Smiley Face Fries Recipe

      Do try this smiley face fries recipe and put a smile on your kid’s face with these fun-shaped potatoes that have a crispy crunchy flavor.
      Prep Time 10 minutes
      Cook Time 15 minutes
      Total Time 25 minutes
      Servings 6
      Author Bushrah @ Recipestable


      • 6 round potatoes
      • 1 teaspoon herb seasoning
      • 1 teaspoon salt
      • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
      • oil for frying
      • chaat masala for sprinkling optional



      • Wash and peel potatoes.
      • Cut the potatoes in circles, with each circle measuring about 1/4 cm thick.
      • Make smiles on the potatoes by using the edge of a teaspoon.
      • Using an ice-pick, bore two holes in the potatoes for the eyes.
      • Sprinkle the herb seasoning, garlic powder and salt over the potato slices.
      • Stir to coat evenly.
      • Leave it for few minutes to blend flavors.
      • Now heat oil in a pan over medium high heat.
      • Add potatoes and fry for 10-12 minutes or until crispy and golden brown.
      • Remove from the oil and drain on kitchen paper.
      • Sprinkle Chaat masala over it. Smiley Face Fries are ready to serve. ENJOY!!


      Serving Suggestions:
      Serve with your favorite dipping sauce.

      I have also posted Curly Fries Recipe which is another easiest & tastiest version of making Crispy Fries at home. Do check it out as well.  It’s finger lickin’ good. You’ll be coming back for more. 

      Put your own spin on it. And lemme know how it turns out. Post a photo on Facebook (Recipestable) or  on Twitter so I can see how lovely yours turn out.

      Happy Cooking!!

    • Homemade Bounty Bars Recipe

      Homemade Bounty Bars

      Do you love Chocolate Bars? Have you ever thought of making your own versions at home? Homemade bounty bars are so easy to make – you only need 3 ingredients!

      Homemade Bounty Bars Recipe
      Photo: Homemade Bounty Bars Recipe

      So these may not be the best looking bounty bars ever, but they taste just like the real thing! Trust me when I say that it doesn’t matter what they look like. But first of all, if you’ve never had a bounty bar before, they are amazing, especially if you like coconut. 

      The sweet coconut filling is not as hard to make as you might think, a simple combination of coconut and condensed milk will recreate the filling of the classic chocolate bar.

       Homemade Bounty Bars Recipe
      Photo: Homemade Bounty Bars Recipe

      Bounty bars are one of my brother favorite chocolates, so I wanted to surprise him with these. When a friend posted a simple recipe for homemade Bounty bars, I had to try it.They are so easy to make, it literally only takes 30 seconds to mix the ingredients together, and then a few minutes to shape the bars and coat them in chocolate.

      When he found them in the fridge and tried them, he had to come and tell me how they tasted just like the real thing. So if a true bounty bar fan can’t tell the difference, well then these must be pretty close to the real thing. Perfect for the holiday season or any occasion!

      Check it out the Homemade Chocolate Bars Recipe and printable version below!!

      Homemade Bounty Bars

      Have you ever thought of making your own versions at home? They are so easy to make – you only need 3 ingredients. Do try my Homemade Bounty Bars Recipe, you’r kids will love it.
      Prep Time 50 minutes
      Cook Time 2 minutes
      Total Time 52 minutes
      Servings 12
      Author Bushrah | Recipestable


      • 3 cups sweetened shredded coconut
      • 3 cups milk or plain chocolate
      • 1-1/2 can condensed milk



      • Place coconut in a large bowl.
      • Pour the condensed milk over the coconut and stir until evenly mixed.
      • Make a thick and sticky paste.
      • Take handfuls of the coconut mixture and shape into bars.
      • Arrange on a lined baking tray and put in the refrigerator for 1 hour to firm up.
      • Meanwhile, melt the chocolate in the microwave.
      • Let it cool.
      • Spoon the chocolate over the coconut bars and leave on a wire rack to harden.
      • Place a plate under the wire rack to catch excess chocolate.
      • Once a little set, put onto some grease proof paper and place in the fridge to set. Your Homemade Chocolate Bars are ready to enjoy!!


      You can make them as big or as small as you like.
      The coconut will not go too firm but it will hold it’s shape.
      Serving Suggestions:
      Serve with a glass of milk.

      If you like this Homemade Chocolate Bars Recipe,Please Subscribe to my blog. I have lots more recipes to share with you. And If you make it then let me know your feedback by commenting below.

    • The Best Crumb Fried Fish Recipe: Easy and Delicious

      Crumb Fried Fish

      Breading fish to fry is a delicious way of cooking white fish. There’s nothing better than a crispy, salty, and perfectly-cookedfried fish.It’s flaky and flavorful with a golden crumb coating. Try this Crumb Fried Fish Recipe, and don’t forget to share your experience with us!!

      Crumb Fried Fish
      Photo: Crumb Fried Fish


      Crumb Fried Fish recipe
      Photo: Crumb Fried Fish

      Crumb Fried Fish recipe
      Photo: Crumb Fried Fish

      So let’s get started.

      Check it out the Crumb Fried Fish recipe and printable version below!!

      Crumb Fried Fish

      Author Bushrah | Recipestable


      • 500 gm any white fish fillets
      • 1 egg lightly beaten
      • 1/2 cup seasoned bread crumbs
      • 1 lemon
      • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
      • 1/2 teaspoon dried parsley
      • salt and pepper to taste
      • oil for frying



      • Sprinkle salt and pepper on both sides of fish fillets.
      • Heat oil in a large frying pan over medium heat.
      • Dip fillets into beaten egg then coat in breadcrumbs.
      • Gently slide fish into hot oil and fry until cruspy and golden brown.
      • Remove from oil and absorb on paper towels.Crumb Fried Fish is ready to serve. ENJOY!!


      Serving Suggestions:
      Serve with chips and tartar sauce.

      I have also posted Fish Tempura and Popcorn Fish which are another easiest & tastiest version of making Fried Fish. Do check it out as well.

      Put your own spin on it. And lemme know how it turns out. Post a photo on Facebook (Recipestable) or  on Twitter so I can see how lovely yours turn out.Put your own spin on it. And lemme know how it turns out. Post a photo on Facebook (Recipestable) or on Twitter so I can see how lovely yours turn out.

      Happy Cooking!!

      If you like this Crumb Fried Fish recipe, Please Subscribe to my blog. I have lots more recipes to share with you. And If you make it then let me know your feedback by commenting below.

    • Lip Smacking Cheesy Chicken Cups Recipe

      Lip Smacking Cheesy Chicken Cups Recipe

      An EASY comfort food recipe with just few ingredients and ready in 30 minutes!! Lip Smacking Cheesy Chicken Cups with a cheesy filling are sure to be a family favorite. Great for breakfast, dinner, snacks, a party appetizer or anything in between!!

      Cheesy Chicken Cups Recipe
      Cheesy Chicken Cups

      Cheesy Chicken Cups

      I had some extra chicken cooked and was looking to use it in a super fast and easy recipe. Since I also had few slider buns in my fridge, this fit the bill perfectly. I love the idea of the Slider cups (I can’t wait to get creative and try other things with that concept) and the filling was ooey-gooey, warm and cheesy. This is a very quick and simple way to get that comfort food taste/feeling.

      Here is my first try. I was thrilled they turned out just right.  They look so Lip smacking and appetizing (thus the name Lip Smacking Cheesy Chicken Cups). These are just as beautiful as they are delicious. My taste buds are going crazy, and I cannot wait for the next course in this meal.
      For a change of pace from your average dinner, this Cheesy Chicken Cups fits the bill! Unusual as it may be, once you take a bit, you will be reminded of some of your favorite chicken recipes. This is cheesy, flavorful, and will be loved by the whole family. Try making it tonight!

      Cheesy Chicken Cups Recipe
      Cheesy Chicken Cups yes!  Please give me one moment. All righty – I’m good now. I had to take a break to stare at these little beauties

      Extra Cheesiness Alert

      Alright, lets move to the cheesiness of this recipe.  

      Cheesy chicken filling, extra cheese on top and pepper flakes all stuffed up in a crispy slider bun shell.  Slider Buns are great for so many appetizers.  I used regular sized muffin tins, so I used bun half per cup, overlapping the corners so that all the edges are covered.   This whole recipe is sure to leave you stuffed and satisfied!

      Cheesy Chicken Cups Recipe
      Cheesy Chicken Cups Recipe

      What I Love About The Cheesy Chicken Cups?

      What I love about these Cheesy Chicken Cups – they are SO SIMPLE.  Seriously, simple ingredients, and half an hour are all it takes to make these Lip Smacking Cheesy Chicken Cups!   They are very good and easy to make, filled with a delicious cheesy chicken filling that everyone will love. We normally have all these items on hand. Mini Slider Buns make great cups for these cheesy treats. You can also use any leftover chicken for this.

      Cheesy Chicken Cups Recipe
      Cheesy Chicken Cups Recipe

      If you serve these at your Iftar Party or next get together , you may want to make a few a double batch – your guests will love them too!

       Cheesy Chicken Cups with Pasta Salad
      Cheesy Chicken Cups with Pasta Salad that are hearty enough to serve for dinner.

      Bismillah let’s get started. 
      Check it out Hot and Sour Noodles Recipe and printable version here!!

      Lip Smacking Cheesy Chicken Cups Recipe

      Lip Smacking Cheesy Chicken Cups – baked to perfection in muffin tins! Great for holidays and lunch boxes – it’s portable and makes for easy serving!
      Prep Time 15 minutes
      Cook Time 15 minutes
      Servings 12
      Author Bushra Waheed


      • 6 mini slider buns

      For Cheesy Chicken Filling:

      • 1 cup boiled chicken shreded
      • 1 small onion chopped
      • 1 tablespoon plain flour
      • 1 cup milk
      • 1/2 cup cheddar cheese
      • 2 tablespoon butter
      • 1 teaspoon black pepper freshly ground
      • 1 teaspoon dried basil
      • 1/2 teaspoon red chili flakes
      • salt to taste

      For Topping:

      • 1/2 cup grated cheese
      • red pepper flakes
      • dried or fresh basil


      • Preheat oven to 180 degrees C.
      • Lightly greased a muffin pan with non-stick cooking spray or butter.

      To Prepare the Chicken Filling:

      • Melt butter in a frying pan over medium heat.
      • Fry onion till soft and translucent. Now add the plain flour and stir well.
      • Stir in the milk and cook for 2-3 minutes or until sauce is thickened.
      • Season with salt, black pepper, red chili flakes.
      • Stir in the shredded chicken and keep stirring for few minutes or until well combined.
      • Add cheese and dried basil and give it a good stir.
      • Turn the heat off.

      To Assemble the Cheesy Chicken Cups:

      • Cut buns into halves and put each half into the prepared muffin pan.
      • Press the buns into the holes to form cups.
      • Spoon chicken filling evenly into cups.
      • Sprinkle remaining cheese over them.
      • Top with chili flakes and dried basil (optional).
      • Bake for 12 to 15 minutes or until cheese is melted and they turn golden brown.
      • Take it from the oven. Remove from the muffin pan.
      • Lip Smacking Cheesy Chicken Cups are ready to serve. ENJOY!!

      I have also posted Buffalo Chicken Cheese Balls Recipe and Mini Pizza Cups Recipe which are another easiest & tastiest version of Comfort Food. Do check it out as well.

      Put your own spin on it. And lemme know how it turns out. Post a photo on Facebook (Recipestable) or Instagram on Twitter so I can see how lovely yours turn out.

      Happy Cooking

    • Crunchy Fish Cutlets Recipe

      Crunchy Fish Cutlets

      This Crunchy Fish cutlets recipe is lightly different from usual ones. It will brighter out mood of all fish lovers. Use these fish cutlets as a starter or simply prepare a fish burger for evening tea.

      Crunchy Fish Cutlets Recipe
      Photo: Crunchy Fish Cutlets Recipe

      Check it out the Crunchy Fish Cutlets Recipe here!!


      [one_fourth]Prep Time:15 minutes+ Cooling [/one_fourth] [one_fourth]Cook Time:20 minutes[/one_fourth] [one_fourth]Servings: 5[/one_fourth] [one_fourth_last]Difficulty Level: Easy[/one_fourth_last]


      [tabs type=”horizontal”] [tabs_head] [tab_title]Ingredients[/tab_title] [tab_title]Nutrition[/tab_title] [/tabs_head] [tab]

      • 500 gm fish fillets
      • 2 green onions, chopped
      • 2 boiled potatoes, mashed
      • 4 green chilies, chopped
      • 1/2 cup breadcrumbs
      • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
      • 1 tablespoon butter
      • 1 tablespoon fresh coriander leaves, chopped
      • 1 tablespoon mint leaves, chopped
      • 1 teaspoon ginger garlic paste
      • 1 teaspoon pepper powder
      • salt to taste
      • Oil for deep frying

      [/tab] [tab]Yield: 5 servings

      Nutritional information is not yet available. [/tab] [/tabs]

      [tabs type=”horizontal”] [tabs_head] [tab_title]Step by Step Method[/tab_title] [tab_title]Serving Suggestions[/tab_title][/tabs_head] [tab]

      Step 1

      Boil fish flesh with little salt till they are cooked.

      Step 2

      Pour oil in a pan, as the oil becomes hot put onion, ginger, garlic & green chillies and half fry. You have to stir it continuously.

      Step 3

      Now add fish to it and mix well.

      Step 4

      Don’t add water to it.

      Step 5

      Make this mixture dry and Cook till it dry.

      Step 6

      Now add pepper powder. Fry well.

      Step 7

      Add smashed potatoes and mix well .

      Step 8

      Turn off the stove and sprinkle coriander and mint leaves.

      Step 9

      If you need salt, you can add as per the taste.

      Step 10

      Let it be cool for some time then make small round balls .

      Step 11

      Make patties with that.

      Step 12

      Take a bowl beat the eggs and in another plate take bread crumbs.

      Step 13

      Dip this balls in the egg mixture & then put bread crumbs on both sides of the cutlet.

      Step 14

      Now deep fry the cutlets in oil for 8-10 minutes or until golden brown.

      Step 15

      Then Remove from the heat and drain on paper towel. Crunchy Fish Cutlets are ready to serve.

      [/tab] [tab]

      • Serve with tomato ketchup.

      [/tab] [/tabs]
      If you like Crunchy Fish Cutlets Recipe and make it then let me know your feedback by commenting below.And if you know more innovative ways in which we can utilize this mouth watering Crunchy Fish Cutlets, do share with us and we would be glad to give it a try.

    • Rice Pakora Recipe

      Rice Pakora

      Rice Pakora is a tea time snack made with cooked Rice, Besan (Ground Flour) , onion and mild spices.Very easy to make tasty too. Try this Rice Pakora recipe, I’m sure you will definitely like them. You can use left over rice of lunch time to make Rice Pakora also.

      Rice Pakora Recipe
      Photo: Rice Pakora Recipe

      Check it out the Rice Pakora Recipe here!!


      [one_fourth]Prep Time:15 minutes[/one_fourth] [one_fourth]Cook Time:10 minutes[/one_fourth] [one_fourth]Servings: 6[/one_fourth] [one_fourth_last]Difficulty Level: Easy[/one_fourth_last]


      [tabs type=”horizontal”] [tabs_head] [tab_title]Ingredients[/tab_title] [tab_title]Nutrition[/tab_title] [/tabs_head] [tab]

      • 2 cups boiled rice
      • 1/2 cup gram flour
      • 1/2 cup chopped onion
      • 4 green chilies, thinly sliced
      • 2 tbsp fresh coriander leaves, chopped
      • 1 tsp red chili flakes
      • 1/2 tsp chat masala
      • salt to taste
      • oil for frying

      [/tab] [tab]Yield: 6 servings

      Nutritional information is not yet available. [/tab] [/tabs]

      [tabs type=”horizontal”] [tabs_head] [tab_title]Step by Step Method[/tab_title] [tab_title]Serving Suggestions[/tab_title][/tabs_head] [tab]

      Step 1

      In a bowl, combine together boiled rice, gram flour, onion, green chilies and coriander.

      Step 2

      Make a thick paste by using some water.

      Step 3

      Season with salt, chat masala and red chili flakes.

      Step 4

      Mix well and leave it for 10 minutes.

      Step 5

      Heat oil in a deep pan or wok.

      Step 6

      Put the 1 tbsp prepared batter in the form of Pakoras.

      Step 7

      Deep fry for 6-8 minutes or until Pakoras turn golden and crispy.

      Step 8

      Remove from the oil and drain on paper towel. Rice Pakora is ready to serve.

      [/tab] [tab]

      • Serve hot with Pakora Dipping Sauce.

      [/tab] [/tabs]
      If you like Rice Pakora Recipe and make it then let me know your feedback by commenting below.And if you know more innovative ways in which we can utilize this mouth watering Rice Pakora, do share with us and we would be glad to give it a try.

    • Rainy Day Snack: Easy Vegetable Pakora Recipe (Warm & Comforting!)

      Vegetable Pakora

      Pakoras are very famous in Pakistan and India.Your favorite vegetables are dipped in a spicy batter and deep fried to make fabulous fritters. Try this Vegetable Pakora Recipe, you’ll love it.

      Vegetable Pakora Recipe
      Photo: Vegetable Pakora Recipe

      Check it out the Vegetable Pakora Recipe here!!


      [one_fourth]Prep Time:10 minutes[/one_fourth] [one_fourth]Cook Time:20 minutes[/one_fourth] [one_fourth]Servings:4 [/one_fourth] [one_fourth_last]Difficulty Level: Easy[/one_fourth_last]


      [tabs type=”horizontal”] [tabs_head] [tab_title]Ingredients[/tab_title] [tab_title]Nutrition[/tab_title] [/tabs_head] [tab]

      • 400gm gram flour
      • 1 onion, chopped
      • 1 green chili,chopped
      • 2 potatoes
      • 1/2 tsp red chili powder
      • salt to taste
      • 1 tsp garlic, chopped
      • 1 tsp ginger,chopped

      [/tab] [tab]Yield: 4 servings

      Nutritional information is not yet available. [/tab] [/tabs]

      [tabs type=”horizontal”] [tabs_head] [tab_title]Step by Step Method[/tab_title] [tab_title]Serving Suggestions[/tab_title][/tabs_head] [tab]

      Step 1

      Add slowly more and more water while kneading the dough.

      Step 2

      In the end it should be a creamy substance, pancake-like.

      Step 3

      Let it stand for 5 till 30 minutes to soak through.

      Step 4

      Heat oil in a deep pan and deep-fat-fry spoonfuls of dough.

      Step 5

      Alternatively slice a raw potatoes into thin slices, turn them in the dough and deep-fry.

      Step 6

      If you like it hot, sprinkle some chat masala on the brown Pakora pieces. Vegetable Pakora is ready to serve. Enjoy!

      [/tab] [tab]

      • Serve with imli ki chutney or green chutney.

      [/tab] [/tabs]
      If you like Vegetable Pakora Recipe and make it then let me know your feedback by commenting below.And if you know more innovative ways in which we can utilize this mouth watering Vegetable Pakora, do share with us and we would be glad to give it a try.

    • Peanut Rice Manchurian Balls Recipe

      Peanut Rice Manchurian Balls

      Delicious Manchurian rice balls rolled in chopped peanuts then deep fried until crispy.  Crispy peanuts on the outside and spicy inside make a tasty snack. Must Try this Peanut Rice Manchurian Balls Recipe and don’t forget to share your experience with us!!

      Peanut Rice Manchurian Balls Recipe
      Photo: Peanut Rice Manchurian Balls Recipe

      Image Source: Mammuskitchen

      Check it out the Peanut Rice Manchurian Balls Recipe here!!


      [one_fourth]Prep Time:20 minutes[/one_fourth] [one_fourth]Cook Time:10 minutes[/one_fourth] [one_fourth]Servings:5 [/one_fourth] [one_fourth_last]Difficulty Level:Very Easy [/one_fourth_last]


      [tabs type=”horizontal”] [tabs_head] [tab_title]Ingredients[/tab_title] [tab_title]Nutrition[/tab_title] [/tabs_head] [tab]

      • 1/2 cup white rice, cooked
      • 1/2 cup mashed potato, cooked
      • 1/3 cup mashed carrots, cooked
      • 1/3 cup onions, chopped
      • 2 Green chillies, finely chopped
      • 1 tbsp Ginger Paste
      • 1 tbsp Garlic Paste
      • 1 Lime , squeezed
      • 4 tbsp Coriander leaves , chopped
      • A pinch of Turmeric
      • 2 tbsp Sugar
      • Salt to taste
      • 1/2 tbsp Red chili sauce
      • 1 tbsp Soy sauce
      • 1/4 cup peanuts, crushed
      • 2 tbsp Rice flour
      • Oil for deep frying

      [/tab] [tab]Yield: 5 servings

      Nutritional information is not yet available. [/tab] [/tabs]

      [tabs type=”horizontal”] [tabs_head] [tab_title]Step by Step Method[/tab_title] [tab_title]Serving Suggestions[/tab_title][/tabs_head] [tab]

      Step 1

      In a large bowl, combine together potato, rice, ginger garlic paste, onions, carrots, green chilies, coriander, turmeric powder, salt, sugar, red chili paste, soy sauce and lime juice.

      Step 2

      Add the rice flour if the mix is too soft, so that they won’t break while frying.

      Step 3

      Take 2 tbsp out of the mixture and shape into round balls.

      Step 4

      Roll the balls over the chopped peanuts.

      Step 5

      Turn to coat  evenly.

      Step 6

      Heat the oil in a deep pan over moderate heat.

      Step 7

      Deep fry the peanut balls until crispy and golden brown.

      Step 8 

      Squeeze some lemon over the Manchurian balls. Peanut Rice Manchurian Balls are ready to serve.

      [/tab] [tab]

      • Serve while hot with chili dipping sauce.

      [/tab] [/tabs]

      Here are some of the Manchurian Recipes We’ve shared (click on the Recipe Name to get the recipe) !

      View More Manchurian Recipes Here>>

      If you like Peanut Rice Manchurian Balls Recipe and make it then let me know your feedback by commenting below.